Chapter 1

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We all sat impatiently at our desks, watching the clock tick by the seconds. Freshman year was a bust but soon it would be over. I silently laughed at my own thoughts because I was glad it's one minute and thirty seconds away from being over. Ferociously tapping my pencil on my notepad, I counted the seconds off in my head.


Come on, go faster.



Everyone scrabbled out of their seats and ran towards the doors. As soon as I had gotten up from my seat Mr. Yago called me over to his desk. "Evangeline, come here."

With a sigh, I walked over to his desk. "Yes, Mr. Yago?" 

"Sit." He commanded, so I sat. "Now, I want you to tell me how much you liked your classes this year?"

"Uhm... well, I've liked them a lot. Why?"

"I have decided that you are going to be the student of the class that will write me a short story over the summer." 

"Are you always this demanding? I never noticed it during the school year." 

"Are you always this bratty?" He asked, mimicking my tone. "I just asked you to write a story about anything, anything at all! I won't pick anything, it will all in your hands. Just have it done by the start of the next school year."

"So, that's it? I just write whatever and then hand it in?" I asked skeptically. 

"Yes," he replied. "You can leave now." Dismissing me with a wave of his hand, he turned his attention back onto the papers scattered in front of him. Grabbing my bag off the floor beside me, I left the classroom with a smile.

Walking, or more like floating down the main hall with the flow of students who were just as happy to leave this place as I was. Holding open the doors for others behind me to get out I heard my name being shouted from across the school yard. I scanned the school yard for the person who called me to find that my best friend, Niki, was the one shouting my name. Waving and jumping up and down like a manic to get my attention, I laughed at the sight she was making. With her amber curls springing up around her sweetheart shaped face, hazel eyes, fare skin and freckles doting across her nose, she  was  what  made up my perfectly awesome  best friend. 

"Evangeline, come on!" For someone who had a small mouth, she could really shout. 

"I'm coming Niki!" I shouted back at her. Jogging across the yard with my back pack weighing me down, I made my way over to her. When I reached her, she squealed so loud heads turned to look at us. 

"Oh my gosh, we aren't freshies anymore! I'm so excited!" 

"About what, that we aren't freshies anymore or that you'll get to eat up all the 'fresh meat' next year?" I teased her. 

She giggled and looped her arm through mine. "A little bit of both I guess." We laughed and walked down to the west wing parking lot we always parked in. "So guess what."


"You aren't even going to try and guess?" She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out that makes the entire race boys paddy in her hands.

"Would you like me to guess this time?" 

"Yes," she said dragging the ’s’ part out like it was always expected of me. 

"Okay, fine. finally got a new color for your room."

"What? No, I didn't. Wait! What’s wrong with my room color?" She asked me with the biggest eyes ever. 

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