Chapter 4

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My lungs were full of nothing, absolute nothing. I gasped for breath like a dying fish on a dock, sweat dripping from my hair and running down my body like water. When air finally entered my lungs, it was easier to move then it was before. When my breath came normally again I looked over at the time and saw that it was five thirty. Crap.

Taking the fastest show known to women and getting dressed in high school girl record time, I started out my bedroom when I noticed the papers that I was going to start my rough draft on had aged. They had aged so much that they looked like they belonged in my dream. Walking up to the desk I saw that the calligraphy on the paper also belonged in the time period of my dream. Shaking my head I started to read what it had to say.

                Once upon a time, on the edge of the Great Forest and the start of the oceans sandy beaches, rested the kingdom of Ducharme. Recently, the kingdom was disturbed by a great evil that had captured the princess and her four friends. For a week they were missing until the princess was found in the middle of the Great Forest by her old friend Alexzander. Taking her back to the castle, she was to tell the king everything she remembered. But, alas, she could not remember a thing. Not even her name!

I put the paper down and stared at the rest of it all. The conversation I had with the king was recorded down on here too, word for word. Shaking my head, I left my room, headed down the hall, out the door and started for Shaun’s house to get the scolding of my life by my mom. I bet I’ll get there just in time for dinner, I thought to myself with a laugh.

On the walk there I started to think more and more about what I saw in my bedroom. It was like while sleeping, someone had written down the gist of it. But no one else was home so that left me and my dream self. A dream writing its own actions down in reality… I couldn’t believe I was even considering that. It sounded insane! I kept walking and thinking until his house came into view, then I cleared my head of anything I had been thinking about before.

Getting closer to the house, a shape of a woman in the front door came into view. “Crap,” I muttered. Picking up the pace, my mother came into better view. I could see the frown lines on her forehead, the tapping of the foot, arms crossed over her chest and the look to scream at me they second I got there.

Reaching the steps up to the front porch, that’s exactly what she does. “You are almost late for dinner! What took you so long?” Glancing at my still wet hair she continues, “A shower, that’s what held you up all this time? I’m thankful that you at least decided to take one, seeing as you where dirty before but next time make it quicker.”

“Are you done?” I cut her rant short.

“No, I’m not, thank you for asking. You were supposed to-“

“Marcy,” Dad says, standing behind her, “why don’t we let Eva come inside before you start yelling at her.” With a stern look and a deeper frown, she huffs and leaves us outside. “Darling, what was it this time?”

“Apparently, I was almost late for dinner and the world was going to end because of it,” I deadpanned.

He laughed heartily, “I knew you would get a sense of humor sometime, child. Come on in sweetheart, dinner is almost ready.” I climbed the rest of the stairs and walked inside to just barely miss hitting Shaun…again.

“Oh jeez, we really have to stop meeting each other like this,” he said with a smile. I laughed and agreed with him, saying hello first. “Well, hi there.” The awkwardness of the silence was so thick that I swore I could feel it. He reached his hand behind him and scratched his neck in the awkward boy way and I scratched my leg with my shoe in the awkward girl way.

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