Bop to the Top

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After a week at Silver Shadows, Phil felt like he was getting the hang of things. He shared a dormitory with Alex, Jake and Toby, who were quickly become his best friends. They had just finished their maths class and the four of them were heading to their mental health class. As they walked down the corridor, Phil felt a pair of hands cover his eyes.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice asked, the other boys giggling. Phil grinned, already know who it was. He turned around and faced the brown eyed boy that he was proud to call his best friend.

"Hey Dan," Phil grinned, reaching his hand up to fix the boy's tie, just to annoy him. Dan swatted his hands away and laughed, smiling at his best friend. Despite being in different houses, they were incredibly close, even after just one week. They were practically inseparable during their free time.

"We're heading down to Mental Health," Phil told him, gesturing over to Alex, Jake and Toby. Dan waved over at them, since he was friends with them as well, and nodded.

"I've got Sexuality," Dan shrugged, starting to walk down the corridor with them, pulling Phil by his wrist, "We're studying Famous Gay people throughout history. Strangely fascinating. What are you doing in Mental Health?"

"Signs of Depression," Alex spoke up, slinging an arm around Dan's shoulder and grinning. Phil grinned at the action, mostly because of the conversation he'd had with Alex the night before. Phil had thought that Alex had a crush on Dan because he always insisted on putting his arm around his shoulder. Turns out he has a huge crush on Jake, which he should have seen coming. Apparently he only puts his arm around Dan because he knows it annoys Dan.

"That's what we're doing next week, is it any good?" Dan asked, shaking Alex's arm off and jokingly glaring at the boy. Phil grinned and snaked his arm around Dan's waist, sending Alex a gloating look when he didn't get shoved off. Alex stuck his tongue out before answering Dans question.

"A couple of girls started crying because they matched all the symptoms," Alex told him, shrugging lightly, "It was really heartbreaking actually. But they're getting help now, so I'd say it's a good class."

"Besides, we all know the signs now, so hopefully if a classmate is feeling depressed we'll notice and try and help," Jake chimed in, walking in step with Alex. Just like Dan and Phil, the two boys were practically inseparable, even more so since they were in the same house.

"Sounds good then," Dan told them, looking to the right and stopping, "Well this is me. Have fun in Mental Health."

Phil quickly hugged him before stepping back a bit, "See you at lunch?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys by the benches," he smiled, hugging Phil back and waving goodbye to the others before heading into his classroom. Dan was greeted by Evie and El, two girls in his house whom he'd befriended. They sat together at the back and compared homework before the class started.

The bell rang just then and the four boys sprinted around the corner, getting into their seats seconds before their professor walked in. They sat with Piper and Oliver, two genderfluid kids who were in their house. They were both into the same bands as the four boys, so they all bonded over that.

After Mental Health they had, what Phil considered the worst class ever, Flair History. Now, technically, that should have been one of the most interesting classes. Everyone who was Gay, or Transgender, or a part of the LGBT community in any way, had the Flair. It basically meant they had magic. Gay kids had Elemental powers, Bi and pan kids had Mental Powers, Asexual and aromantic kids had Super-human powers and Transgender and Nonbinary kids like Phil had Shapeshifting powers. As well as other powers like spells and such for anyone who practiced. And Flair History was all the history of all that. As someone who loved magic so much, that was the class he'd looked forward to the most.

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