Chapter 5 - No Love Allowed

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August pov

I pulled up to gabriella's house and I saw two cars parked outside . I started to hear gunshots so grab my gun jump out the car ran towards the front door and saw that it was broken, I ran upstairs and I saw a nigga crank his gun standing over her , I shot him before he could shot her . I ran towards her and she was bleeding front the chest.

I picked her up and put her in my car and sped to the hospital. Lift her out the car and ran in the hospital shouting for help and the nurse took her.

2hrs pass

Itz been over an hour or more and I haven't got any update on gab.I would call up her friends but I met them before . "Family for Gabriella martin " the doctor asked cutting me out of my thoughts.

"I'm her boyfriend" I said.

"Well she got one shot to her chest which missed her heart by 4inches " the doctor said.

"So how is she "I asked.

"She's resting, you can see here " he said showing me to the room.

I got to the room her eye's were closed with alot a tube attached to her.

Gabriella pov

I slowly open my eye's with a massive headache, looked around and I saw I was in the hospital. Why tf am I here I wonder. Then I remember a guy standing over me with a gun saying "curtsey of dev " and I don't know what happen before or after. August walked in with red roses "hey you woked my island queen " he said smiling and coming to sit beside the bed. "Hi " I said weakly.
"What happened " I questioned

"Well a week ago you got shot to chest , when I got to your house I saw four guys dead on the stairs and one standing over together but i shot him " he said all at once .

I started to remember everything. So dev assigned niggas to kill me, well his niggas fucked up when they made me live I thought .

A month has passed

Well itz been a month since the incident. Am staying with august for awhile. Yeah he's my boyfriend / boss but hell I don't got feelings for him. My aunt came back for a week then went back to jamaica , i dont know why she doesnt want me to know the reason she staying so long . I was on bed rest for two weeks, work is going very good.

Dev knows am not dead but he doesn't know where am staying ,He called my girl's asking for me. I haven't told anyone including August dev was the one responsible for what happen tho he knows itz him. He sent his guyz to get him but dev also a thug so no one knows where he lives expect me.

I woke up smiling . August woke early and left for work . I have a shower did my hygiene and did my hair in a messy bun. Outfit in media. Grab my hand bag went downstairs to the kitchen. August made breakfast so I ate then set the alarm and left for work.

I got to work, parked my car then went inside greet Eric (the security ) "good morning eric "I said smiling . "Good morning beautiful " he said smirking. Lol eric has always had a crush on me. I would greet the bitch at the front desk but a bitch envying. I got the elevator after I reached my destination I walked to my office and sat my stuff down then check my diary to see if August have any appointment. He had an appointment at 10:30,12:00,7:00 .I checked the time 10:10am.

I quickly got out my office and walked to his. **knocked *** " come in "he said. I walked in "good morning " I said smiling.
" Good morning " he said with a smirk

" You've got an appointment to meet with Mr shaw to discuss plans for the new hotel at 10:30 which is in 20mins , Mrs leslie one of the hotels manager 12:00 and Mrs Robinson of high ckass fashion company at 7:00 " I said.

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