Confrontation's and Notes

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     "Ms. Fields you have a visitor." My assistant Melony informed me. I stopped typing briefly. I pressed the call button. "I need a name Melony." I said going back to typing.

     "He says his name is Kenny Edwards." She said. My heart nearly stopped. I hadn't seen Kenny since college, and even after the inccident we didn't really talk. We all kind of went our seperate ways, which is why it's a shock that he is here.

     "Send him in quickly." I said as I prepared my self to see him again.

     About two minutes later Kenney walked in. He hadn't changed much. He was still tall and still had those icy blue eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. His raven black hair fell into his eyes slightly and he had a bit of stuble. All in all he looked good.

     "Leonna." He spoke. His voice was a bit hoarse. "You haven't changed a bit." He said, his eyes raking over my body. He was right though. I still stood about 5'5 and still had jet black hair that fell down to the middle of my back. I still had my light brown eyes, so all in all I hadn't changed much since college.

     "I can say the same to you Ken." I said. He smiled a bit. "Same O'l nickname huh Leo." He said as he took a seat across from me. I smiled at him. "As much as I love seeing you again, what is the reason you came here?" I asked curiously. He sighed and a frown seemed to occupy his face now. He looked away from my pressuring eyes. I now wanted to know even more.

     "It's about Alora." He said sadly.

     "Alora Jones?" I asked curiously. She had been one of my best friends at the beginning of college. That was all before the inccident.

     "The one and only." He said glancing at me. Out of the whole group I had been the closest to Alora and Kenny.

     "Well what about her?" I asked. He now had my full attention. He sighed and ran a hand down his face. "She was found dead Leo, I'm sorry." He said looking at me sadly. My head took several minutes to actually process what  he said. Alora, my best friend, is dead. My eyes started to water, granted I haven't seen her in like four years, the fact still stands that she was my best friend.

     "When did you find out?" I asked, my voice becoming hoarse. He looked out the window. "This morning, Joey called to tell me and I decided I should be the one to tell you." Kenney said walking over to hug me. As his arm's embraced me, the tears started to fall. There was no control over the waterfall that was comming from my eyes. I cried for a good ten minutes before I decided I needed to stop. Kenney held me tighter, and for that I was thankful. "Feel better?" He asked as he pulled away slightly. I nodded my head. "Does anyone know how she died?" I asked looking up at him. He looked at me for a minute before answering. "At the moment they have reason to believe it was suicide." He said. At the word of suicided my heart broke all over again and my mouth dropped slightly.

     Alora was never a depressed girl. I just don't understand how she could take her own life.

     "Alora would never kill herself, she was always happy." I said pulling away from Kenney fully. Kenney nodded hs head. "Yeah, but 'was' being the key word. Leonna let's be honest, nobody was the same after the...inccident. We all lost contact and chose not to believe the reality of what happened. I'm not saying that Alora did kill herself, but what I am saying is nobody knows what happened." Kenney said looking intently at me. As much as I wished Kenney was wrong, he wasn't.

     "Your right, I just wish I would have kept in contact with her, then maybe she wouldn't be dead." I said as more tears built up in my eyes. Alora dieing was partly my fault. I could of helped her, if only.

     "Nothing is your fault Leo, things happen." Kenney said as he tried to comfort me. I couldn't believe that Alora was dead, it all seemed so sireal.

     "When is the funeral?" I asked. I took deep breathes to try and calm my nerves.

     "This saturday." He said to which I nodded.

     "How is her family doing?" I asked. He looked at me briefly before saying. "Not good. Did you know she was going to get married in a month? Her fiance is devastated." He said looking at me. This news made me feel more guiltier. I should have kept in contact with her.

     "Stop blaming your self." He said. He must of seen my confused eyes because he continued. "I can see it in your eyes. Leo, what happened wasn't your fault. I promise , so stop beating your self up over this." Kenney said as he got up to leave. I starred at him, on one said anything.

     Finally Kenney decided to break the silence. "We need to catch up, perferably before the funeral." Ken said to which I nodded. "Yes we do, how about tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded. "That works, I'll call you." He said as he exited.

     Once he left I sighed heavily. I haven't had this much stress since the accident. I decided I needed to go home for the rest of the day. I headed out of my office and told Melony that I was heading home. I headed to my car and as I neared I saw a note. I grabbed the white piece of paper gently in my hands and carefully opened it.

     'Karma's a bitch

     guess it's true

     Time to start wondering

     Who did this to you.'

I starred at the piece of paper. This made no since. I'm not going to lie, it did shke me a bit. I folded the paper and stuck it in my purse. I got into my car and headed to my apartment.


AN: Here is the next chapter. I think its a good length. I hope you all enjoy and Vote!

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