Saving Andrew

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Paul, still being excited from the amazing dive, was even more excited as he was riding prince and the wind whipping through his stalk. Jim was a bit embarrassed, this was because prince was a rich, posh cat, he even had a French accent. But this didn't matter at this time, their aim was to save Andrew!

 But this didn't matter at this time, their aim was to save Andrew!

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"He we are. Off u get, and go save Andrew!" Said prince.
"Thanks prince!"said Jim and Paul.
Soon Jim and Paul were climbing a very pretty but awkward table leg. It was a few years old but had very pretty, fancy patterns. Jim was using the abseiling string from the cooker experience. Jim and Paul hoisted them selves up, to find Andrew doing a little happy dance! He was so happy to see Jim and Paul, he just had to dance!
"Thanks so much guys!" Said Andrew.
"Your very welcome" replied Paul.

Soon they were off the table and safely on they're way back to the fruit basket.

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