♡ The signs and their Seventeen first kiss ♡

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☆ Aries : Seungkwan ☆

☆ Taurus : Hoshi ☆

☆ Gemini : Jeonghan ☆

☆ Cancer : Minghao ☆

☆ Leo : Joshua ☆

☆ Virgo : Wonwoo ☆

☆ Libra : Vernon ☆

☆ Scorpio : DK ☆

☆ Sagittarius : Woozi ☆

☆ Capricorn : Mingyu ☆

☆ Aquarius : Dino ☆

☆ Pisces : Seungcheol ☆

So I got wonwoo ! But does a Sagittarius want to swap ( even if it's not possible 😂)
~ MintZico x

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