♡ where Exo kiss you // Chanyeol ♡

605 35 5

Requested by: @BTS-infiresme

☆ Aries : Lips ☆

☆ Taurus : Neck ☆

☆ Gemini : Cheek ☆

☆ Cancer : Forehead ☆

☆ Leo : Hand ☆

☆ Virgo : Shoulder ☆

☆ Libra : Neck ☆

☆ Scorpio : Lips ☆

☆ Sagittarius : Hand  ☆

☆ Capricorn : Shoulder ☆

☆ Aquarius : Forehead☆

☆ Pisces : Cheek ☆
I'd just like to say thank you for 1k reads!
I'm sorry I've not updated in a long time I've just not gotten around to doing it :(
Again thank you ! :)
~MintZico x

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