The Final Goodbye

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'Sherlock. Please. Just... Just stop this. Stop it.'

John was crying freely now, as he stood over his best and only friend's grave. He could hear Moriarty laughing at him from whatever special place in hell he was, yelling that not even Sherlock could have faked his death this well, could he? It just wasn't possible. John had seen him fall, seen his broken body on the ground.

Over in the distance, he could hear Mrs Hudson weeping, and was reminded vividly of the time Sherlock had thrown a CIA agent out the window for scaring her. Sherlock had always been so good to her, and John suspected she might be even more broken inside than he was. He closed his eyes and remembered the first time they had met, trying to stem the flow of tears in his eyes. That bastard had always been so bloody clever with his observations and deductions, so why couldn't he do something as easy as faking his death? John still couldn't quite believe that a simple suicide could deprive the world of the great Sherlock Holmes, and he would never believe that his friend had been a fraud.

'Did he speak to you before he... left?'


'The last time I heard from him was that phone call, and he wasn't making much sense.'

'He loved you, you know.'

John turned to look at him.

'I'm not sure in what way, but for Sherlock to have feelings for you makes you very special. Thank you for being there for him.'

'I couldn't save him.'

'No one could have seen it coming.'

John appreciated Mycroft trying to comfort him, but he didn't feel like discussing it right now.

'I really must get back. Until next time.'

Of course. He was just going to go back to work like nothing had happened. The Ice Man. He should have known.

'Right. See you.'

Mycroft left, leaving John on his own. He briefly rested a hand on the black headstone, and then turned back to the church. Time to go face the real world.

--Authors Note--

Ok, so this was just an introduction and if you liked it please give me a heads up and I will continue writing (I promise future chapters will be MUCH longer) I also appreciate any feedback. It is probably going to be a bit of Reichentheory, some case stories based on the Conan Doyle versions, and Johnlock if you want it. Feel free to contact me and tell me what you think!

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