The Black Cloth (Levi)

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You dug your hand around and finally pulled out whatever your hand touched next. It turned out to be an black cloth. You didn't even have time to react before you were roughly thrown into the closet. You heard someone saying that he didn't want to be thrown into a closet with a brat like you and you knew who your partner was in an instant. You were going to be stuck in a tiny little closet with humanity's best and smallest, Levi Ackerman. You leaned against the wall, waiting for Levi to be thrown in after you. The door burst open and you had to catch Levi by his shoulders. But not before his head leaned forward enough for you two clash forheads. "Yeouch!", you both screamed. "I'm gonna whoop her ass when I get out of here.", you mumbled under your breath, but Levi still heard you. "Mind if I help you?", he asked. "That'd be wonderful, thanks.", you said, sarcasm evident in your voice. You had a huge, and I mean HUGE crush on the idiotic captin. You thought he was handsome, smart, strong, and, God was he a clean freak. "Listen, I was serious when I offered to help. Do you want my help or not?" "No because I don't need help." "Hey, I just asked if you wanted my help, don't get all sassy with me." "I can do whatever I please. I don't need your permission, thank you very much.", you said, getting up in his face. "Don't you dare use that tone with your own captin do you understand me?", he retorted back, our faces getting closer by the second. "Listen, you're not my dad anyway, so why do you even care?" Your anger was showing on your face and you couldn't contain it anymore. "You really want to know?" "Yes, jerkface, I do." "Because I have a huge crush on you and need a good reason to get in your face and piss you off! I think you're hot as hell when you're pissed off!", he screamed loud enough for everyone in the other room to hear. There was only one way to calm him down and you couldn't wait to do it. You crawled on your hands and knees over to him, cup his face in your hands, and smashed your lips onto his. That shut him up real quick. He hesitated for about three seconds before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "I love you too, Levi. Always have, always will." Then, he brought my lips back to his, smiling into the kiss. When the door opened, Sasha stood there, eyes wide in shock, prob scarred for life. You could tell Levi was blushing like crazy and tried to hide his face in your chest. Emphasis on tried. Your chest was like a double d so, he almost suffocated in your boobs. You started blushing like crazy when that happened. You grabbed his hand, stood up, and lead him back to his seat. You went to sit back in yours but Levi grabbed your wrist and pulled you down with him. You landed in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck, kissing his check. "We'll finish what we started in the closet in my office later.", he said, his voice a low growl. A shiver ran down your spine and one I might add. The next pair to go in were Hanji and Erwin. Not many pleasant sounds in those seven minutes. Then, Levi abruptly stood up, almost knocking you down in the process. He grabbed your wrist, dragging you to the door. "Levi, _______ where are you going?", asked Eren, confused. "We're done here. I'm taking ________ back to my office for a lecture about being clean. We'll see you all tomorrow."

"I doubt that they'll do any cleaning tonight. It'll be the farthest thing from their minds.", Erwin said, a slight grin on his face. "Ew, Erwin! There's no way I will ever unthink that! Thanks for the image!", Mikasa screeched. "You're very welcome." For the rest of the night, you were with Captain Ackerman, not getting a wink of sleep.

This is for my friend Soccor girl lover she requested Levi next so I wrote this for her. Thanks guys!

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