chapter 25- Meet Stefanie Woods!

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We were meant to be chapter 25   

It's 1:00 in the afternoon when my dad finally reappears. 

I'm sitting at the kitchen table when he finally staggers through the door, startling me. "Where were you?" I demand, jumping up from my seat. He just waves his hand dismissively at me, shuffling over to the couch. 

"It's none of your concern" he replies, easing himself onto the couch. I huff and stomp my foot. "It is my concern if you're going to leave me here alone while your off doing God knows what." I yell. He holds his head in his hands. 

"Please just shut up! I have a hell of a headache and you're not making it any better!" He screams, looking at me with bloodshot eyes. I stumble back, no expecting his outburst. There's no doubt In my mind that he's been drinking. 

Before any tears can fall I run into my room, making sure to slam the door extra hard. 

What's come over him? My dad has never drank a drop in his life, and now suddenly he comes home in the middle of the afternoon with a hangover. Was he at the bar this whole time? Where did he sleep? How drunk did he really get?

I sit on the edge of my bed, biting my nails. Wasn't I supposed to be the teenager who had the parent worried all night? Aren't I supposed to be the one who came home with the hangover? Instead, it had been me at home, pacing and wringing my hands together, wondering where my father was for the past 2 hours.

A pang of sadness hit me suddenly. I missed my mother. She would know what to do about my dad. In fact, this wouldn't even be happening if she was still alive.

10 minutes went by before I finally ventured quietly out of my room. My dad was no where to be found, so I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried out the door.

Unknown p.o.v

At around 1:30, my mom kicks me out of the house to go "find friends", So I end up wandering around until I find a pizza place named "the 7". Kind of a strange name for a pizza place, but oh well.

After ordering a double cheese slice, I sat down at a table and started to eat, observing the kids of all ages around me. I couldn't help but check out the boy behind the counter. He was really cute and looked around my age. I smiled to myself. I was definitely going to like it around here.

My eyes swung to the door as a beautiful girl with dark hair entered the shop. Her eyes wandered around, looking for an empty seat, but the only one was across from me. Thinking I'd make a friend, I waved her over. She smiled gratefully and walked over to my table. "I've never seen you around before. Are you new?" she asked. She held out her hand for me to shake, and I shook. "yeah, I just moved here from Australia". She smiled again. She seemed to do that a lot. "oh cool! My boyfriends from Australia!" she said taking the seat across from me. Hope swept over me, but it died quickly. What were the chances?

"oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Emma Alonzo" she said sticking out her hand again to formally introduce herself. Once again I took it. "I'm Stefanie. Stefanie Woods."

Ok so guys please don't kill me but I haven't been updating because I usually update at school and my school has blocked Wattpad :( I've also been working and doing college applications and all that great shit, so its been hard for me to find time to write. Ill try to be more consistent :)

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