Chapter 23- Scary movie

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Emma and Jax chapter 23 

Previously on emma and Jax

She doesn't answer, just pulls out her keys and opens the door. She's walking inside when I pull her towards me. I lean down and kiss her, but she hesitates a moment before kissing back. She's a little upset at me, I can tell. Her phone rings and she breaks off the kiss. "Hello? Oh hey Andi. Wait wait slow down, who's Phillip? Yeah I guess I can make it there. Ok be there soon." She ends the call and looks at me. "I gotta go to Andi's I'll text you later" she tells me and I nod. She starts to walk back down the driveway but I grab her wrist. "Emma, you know I love you, right? That I would never do anything to hurt you?" I ask. She looks at me for a second. "I'll see you later." She says winking, then smiles and walks away.

Chapter 23

1 week later

Daniel p.o.v
Losing Andi hurt more than I thought it would, since we were never actually dating. I had really fell for her, without even realizing it. Phillip had enrolled at Iridium high, and you never saw him without her. I was happy for them though. It must be amazing to see your childhood best friend again after such a long time. What I wouldn't give to see... Oh never mind. She was gone and was never coming back, she had made that clear enough.

Andi p.o.v

Phillip and I were better than ever. He had enrolled at Iridium, and had already become good friends with Jax and Emma. The only downside was that he and Daniel weren't exactly...nice to each other. He stays by my side at school. Every afternoon he walks me to chemistry. As we stand at the classroom door he turns to me and smiles. "It's great being back here In Miami" he says, looking down at me "...with you". I blush, and he takes my hand. I'm actually surprised he still likes me. There are hundreds of other pretty girls in Miami other than me, and yet he still "It's great to have you back too. I really missed you." I reply, and he traces circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. He looks at me for a minute, smiling. The bell rings, and he leans forward and whispers in my ear "see you after school", sending shivers down my spine. I walk into class with the biggest smile on my face.

Emma p.o.v
"I'm telling you, catching fire is waaayyy better than hunger games" I said to Jax as we walked down the hall, hand in hand. "Alright, alright you win" he said, stopping and turning to face me, kissing me on my nose. I giggle. "You still wanna watch a movie at my house later?" I ask, and he smiles "wouldn't miss it for the world". The bell rings and I let go of his hand. " I've got to get to class. Love you." I say to him as I walk away. "Love you more" he calls back.

Phillip p.o.v
I just moved back to Miami, and just been reunited with Andi again. God I missed her. I missed her smile, her laugh, her eyes.... I'm still in love with her. I walk with her to her chemistry class, and she's stands outside, looking up at me. Those amazing brown eyes stare up at me and I realize she's waiting for an answer. "Sorry, what did you say.?" I ask, and she sighs but smiles. "I saaaaiiidddd what are you doing after school today?" "Not much" I reply, but then add "do you want to go to the seven with me?" She blushes "y-yeah sure." It's quiet for a minute. "It's great being back here In Miami" i say, looking down at her "...with you". I take her hand as she blushes even redder. "It's great to have you back too. I really missed you." She replies.
She doesn't look at me when she says it, and she sounds a little sad. I know what she's thinking. How can I possibly pick her when there are "hundreds of other pretty girls in Miami". What she doesn't know is that she's beautiful, inside and out. I looks at her for a minute, smiling. The bell rings, and i lean forward and whisper in her ear "see you after school" then walk away. I look back at her, and she's walking into the classroom with the biggest smile on her face.

Emma p.o.v
After school I head home and do my homework while I wait for Jax to arrive. My dads still at school, so I have the house all to myself. Hopefully it'll stay that way by the time Jax comes over.
Jax finally arrives around 6:30, pizza in hand. He walks in and kisses my cheek when I open the door, and says "sorry I'm a little late love, thought I'd pick up some food on the way here." He sets the pizza box on the table and grabs my wrist, pulling me into him. I wrap my arms around him and he rests his chin on my head. I sigh. I could really stay like this all day. "I could too love, but to be honest, I'm starving" Jax says and I'm confused, until I realize I said that out loud and blush. He pulls away, looks me in the eyes, then kisses my nose. "Come on let's eat."
Jax insists on watching a scary movie, and I refuse until his puppy dog eyes win me over. "Fine, but if there is a scary part I'm not watching" I tell him and he grins, putting me into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles into my hair. "Jax stop!" I manage to yell out between giggles. Then we sit on the couch and he picks out a movie. "Jeepers creepers? Really?" I ask him sarcastically and he laughs "I know, I know, it's old, but it's freaking hilarious." He replies, putting his arm around me. "You know I hate scary movies Jax!" "Don't worry Emma I'll protect you, I promise" he laughs, clicking on the movie. I snuggle into him and press my face into his shoulder.
"AHHHHH" I scream for about the 10th time. "Shhhh you'll wake the neighbors" Jax laughs, putting a hand over my mouth. I push him away but smile. "You know Emma, I really would Protect You from anything." He says, turning serious. "I-I know" I reply, a little started by his sudden change of attitude. He smiles and presses a quick kiss to my lips, then turns his eyes back to the screen.

I look at him for a minute more, then settled back into his side and closed my eyes, drifting into sleep thinking...

"I would protect you from anything too. You have no Idea."

That was the long awaited chapter 24 sorry it's not that long but it's cute 😊

For more of Phillip and andi, check out my new story Video Games

Love you guys loads


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