Chapter 19- Fairytale

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Previously on Emma and jax every witch way

Whatever you do you can not tell Emma" I heard her say. Can't tell me what? Were Andi and!?!? I gasped and stifled a smile. I knew Andi would find someone one day! I walked home with a big grin on my face. If Andi was happy then I was happy too.

Emma p.o.v
The weekend ended sooner then it should have, so when Monday came to show its ugly face, I was practically dragging myself through the halls. I reluctantly made my way to my locker, dreading the rest of the day. The only things that would make this day better would be seeing Andi and Daniel together, and seeing Jax of course. I opened my locker and collected my books for the day when I heard Maddie (who's locker was annoyingly close to mine) gasp. I turned around to tell her to shut up when I saw them. Andi and Daniel where walking down the hall together, holding hands. She was leaning on his arm and gazing up at him as they walked. My jaw dropped to the floor. She looked so...happy with him

Andi p.o.v
"Are you ready?" Daniel asked as we stood outside of the school. I could not believe I was about to go through with this. And all for a stupid boy. A stupid, nice, smart,...adorable boy. Daniel snapped his fingers in my face. "Earth to Andi! Come on the bells about to ring!" He said. I sighed and grabbed his hand, plastering a fake smile on my face.

When we reached the hall Emma's locker was in, I took a deep breath before resting my head on Daniels arm and looking up at him. He felt warm next to me and my hand felt kind of nice in his. He looked really cute with his brown hair falling in front of his eyes......Wait,what? Ugh never mind let's just get this over with. As we walked down the hall I looked at Emma out of the corner out of my eye. Just like I expected, her mouth was wide open in shock. I turned it up a notch by kissing his cheek when we reached my locker. He smiled and let go of my hand "see you later babe" he said (he really was quite the actor) waving to me and walking down the hall. I waved back and turned to my locker, watching as Emma approached me out of the corner of my eye. "You and Daniel? Really?!?" She asked. A satisfied grin grew on my face. I turned to look at her. Oh no. She. was. smiling.

"When did it happen? Tell me, tell me!" I thought for a minute . How should I answer that? She obviously wasn't jealous, so if I made a fake story up, the lie would just spiral out of control. If I told her the truth, she wouldn't forgive me. "Um it happened Friday night, at the uh movies" I said nervously "not really that special just regular old fairytale." I did not just say that. I mentally slapped myself. Good job romanticizing it idiot! "Aww that's sweet" she said grinning "hey I gotta go, class is about to start, see you later k?" She said. "See you" I replied halfheartedly as she walked away. I rested my head on the cool metal of my locker. The plan had ended before it even started. " how'd it go?" Daniel asked hopefully beside me. " horribly" I said, looking at him. " she's not jealous at all, she's happy for us" I said exhaustedly. "What do we do now?" He asked. " we need to try harder" I said. "What do you mean by 'try harder'?" He asked suspiciously. " I mean... Act all lovey dovey with each other, have inside jokes, that kind of stuff" I said, shuddering. "OK fine" he said "I gotta get to class, see you after school Andi" he said hurrying to class. I sighed, slammed my locker shut, and went to class too.

Really really sorry I took so long 😭😭 i hope you guys are still interested in this story and forgive me 😘😘

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