Finding Truth

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  • Dedicated to Zane

A/N: this is story is loosely based on the song Beautiful Girl by Broken Iris (hence the title) listen to this song before/after/while reading. This is my first story that has been posted so please be nice. pic is Kaylee.

'Kaylee Morris?' the office aid stuttered. My English teacher paused mid-lecture and turned to glare at him. I stood before she could tear into the poor boy. I followed him into the hall, slightly nervous. I had no idea why I was being called to the office. Maybe they had found out about the bathroom thing, but that was totally not my fault. Or more likely my mom was coming to rescue me from this hell-hole posing as a school.

The second I walked into the office I noticed a boy, no a young man arguing with the secretary. Against my better judjment I moved closer.

'...can't call them! She has living relatives!' hm interesting.

I cleared my throught. 'Uh I was suposed to come here?'

The boy spun and stared at me. 'Kaylee?' I was struck dumb. Golden blond hair flopped into wide gray eyes. It was like looking into a mirror. If my reflection was 6'2", built, and obviously male.

'Who are you?' I managed.

'I-' he glanced uncomfortably over his shoulder at the secretary. She flapped a hand at him to go on. 'Maybe you should sit down.' I took his advice, sliding into one of the overstuffed chairs that liberally sprinkled the office. The boy ran a hand through his hair and mumbled 'Where to start?'

'How about with your name?' he visibly flinched at the sound of my voice.

'uh- okay my name is Logan,' he took a deep breath 'and I'm your twin brother.'

WHAT?! I'm an only child. I don't have a twin and defiantly not a hot one like this Logan guy. The only thing I could think to say was, 'How?'

'Our parents got divorced when we were two. One got each of us and they never saw each other again.' suddenly he looked down. 'Thats not why I'm here though.'

I was still reeling from the whole twin thing but I forced my brain to stop spinning. 'Why are you here then?'

'Its your mother. She- she had an accident. They took her to the hospital but she didn't make it.'

I suppose I was supposed to show some emotion there, cry or something, but I couldn't. I just stood and walked towards the door. In the hallway I heard his voice calling me, 'Kaylee!' When I heard his footsteps approaching me I began to run, bursting out into the commons and the safety of the crowds of students.

I ran blindly not feeling not thinking. Not my mom! My beautiful caring doting mother!

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