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*This dare is also from YoshaDino. And I'm very positive that it's a dare. So, here ya go!!!*

Amethyst: *face palms herself and blushes* "You've gotta be kidding me"

Pearl: "Don't act like that, baby. It's a dare. And remember what you said before, we'll do anything"

Amethyst: *looks at Pearl* "I did say that." *sighs* "Let's just get this over with"

~In the middle of Beach City~

Pearl: "Alright. Here we go" *grabs Amethyst's waist and pulls her close*

Amethyst: *blushes heavily and grabs onto Pearl's shoulders*

Pearl: *whispers in Amethyst's ear* "You look cute like this"

Amethyst: *grumbles as blush darkens* "Shut it, P"

Pearl: *giggles then kisses Amethyst*

Amethyst: *tilts head to the side, blushing even more*

Some citizens of Beach City: *stares at them with wide eyes, open mouths, or disgusted faces*

Pearl: *plunges tongue into Amethyst's mouth*

Amethyst: *gasps and lets Pearl's tongue explore her mouth*

Pearl: *pulls away for a quick breath, before crashing her and Amethyst's lips together again*

*Pearl and Amethyst make out for a while*

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