Chapter 8*

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"You sneaky motherfuckers," I mutter. Technically, Stiles is on the lacrosse team.

Stiles holds his hand out. "Shall we?"

"Indeed we shall. Also, Scott, try to keep your fangirl squeals to a minimum." I grasp his hand and he leads me to the lane where Jackson and Lydia are already sitting. Allison and Scott are soon to follow.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Lia," Stiles whispers into my ear. Blush tints my cheeks and Scott smirks.

I motion my head towards Scott and touch my ear. Stiles gets the message. "You don't look too bad yourself, handsome." I pick up his hand and start running my thumbs over his palm. "You know, I've always wondered what those abnormally long fingers could do to me. I say we find out tonight." I wink while practically choking on laughter.

Stiles knows it's a joke, but his heartbeat picks up anyway. He's probably thinking about it now boys. "Gross!" Scott yells.

Everyone looks at him cluelessly while Stiles and I burst out into a fit of laughter. "You good, Scott?" Stiles asks.

Scott slumps down in his seat and crosses his arms. "Fine."

Once we catch our breath, the game starts. I'm up first then: Stiles, Allison, Scott, Jackson, and Lydia. "Stilinski, let's make this interesting. At the end of the game, the person with the highest score, gets treated to dinner by the lower score," I suggest.

"Are you already trying to get another date out of me, Lockwood?" Stiles jokes.

"What can I say? Misery loves company," I reply.

"You're on," Stiles says.

I make my way to the lane and immediately get a strike. I'm the great bowler in the family. You spend enough time in an after school bowling program because your mom is working and your dad fucked off somewhere, you have no choice but to get good.

As Stiles makes his way to the lane I pass him and say, "Maybe I just didn't want to buy dinner."

"Oh, you're still buying." He knocks down 7 of the pins on his first try and then 2 on his second.

The walk of shame he does back to our seats is quite cute. "You'll get em next time," I say. He scowls at me and I put my arm around him.

"You're up McCall," Jackson announces.

"You can do it Scott," Allison says. I cross my fingers as if that might somehow defy fate. He throws the ball straight into the gutter. Just as predicted, Scott sucks ass. Jackson starts snickering.

"Jackson, I can't think of anything right now that's more annoying than your laugh. It somehow beats out your voice," I butt in. Stiles puts his fist down low for a fist bump.

"Yeah, Jackson, mind shutting up?" Allison says.

"Lia, you know, for a girl you're not very nice," Jackson says.

I bat my eyelashes. "Thanks. It's a special power I acquired through years of dealing with douchebags with overinflated egos."

Stiles chokes on his water and I tap his back to fix it. "Oh my God, Lia, you're going to kill me. Disengage before I choke on something worse than water." He rasps that out while trying to catch his breath.

Jackson takes that as an out to focus back on Scott. "Come on, McCall. This game isn't gonna last all night. Take your shot." Scott stares at the ball, hesitating. Jackson starts laughing again, and I see Allison level him with a glare. "I'm sorry. I'm just flashing back to the words 'I'm a great bowler.'"

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