When Happiness Turns To Hell

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You hear your bear feet slap the ground of the stone walkway as you ran to meet him. You didn't know his name though he was your only friend.You also didn't know much about him except he was somewhat loud and quiet rude to other children and sometimes adults.

The sun shone through the ally ways as you past small cottages on your way. Running past villagers, animals, carts of fruit and other goods, and children playing jacks. Once the sign which indicated your turn came to view, your feet that once only knew stone for sometime found the plush grass and dirt. You ran faster and at the bottom of the hill, he waited.

You stopped at the top, looking down. You could see him sitting in a swing and what looked like drawing with a stick. You smiled at the sight of him. You ran down the hill and in the prosses thought about the past experiences of 'meet me here tomorrow'. Which all seemed to be 'you come here, I won't show'. A simple glance at him made your heart pound with the feelings of friendship.

"You came!" You called as you ran full throttle down the grassy hill and to the small playground in which he waited.

Once in front of him, you could see a confused look on his face. "Of course. I'm a man of my word." He gave you a soft smile. His eyes sparkled with excitement. "So! What do you want to do?"

You made a slight thinking face. I really didn't think he'd show... you blinked at the ground. "Umm..." It was then he grabbed your shoulder.

"I have an idea!" His smile widened into a mischievous grin. "Let's go to the magic shop!" Your eyes widened at his comment.

"B...but.. he doesn't let kids in there." With that, he wiggles his nose quickly in thought.

His smile returned. "Not if we tell him we're gonna buy something!" He then let your shoulders go to dig in his pockets. "Do you think this is enough for something?" In his hand held 3,000 jewel.

You shrug and looked in your own pockets. "I got an allowance yesterday." He blinked and folded his fingers over the jewel. "Its...." you look at the money in your hand. "2,000.."

He then grabbed your hand and started pulling you to the town. "There has to be something there for 5,000 jewel!!" He turned around to you and gave you a wide smile.

You both ran up the hill, turned at the sign, and down the streets to the local magic shop. With a determined look, he began to walk to the door. Before he made it, the owner barreled out of the shop. "This is for magic users only. Please go home." He looked down at your friend who returned his glare.

"We have money!" At this, the shop owner raised an eyebrow.

"How much do you have?"

"5,000 jewel!" He held out his hand, you did the same. With great reluctance, the old man moved aside allowing your friend to grab your hand while dashing inside. "Wow!"

Your mouth dropped. It was so fascinating. There was so much to look at. Everything from color wheels magic to gate keys. It was then, you were pulled down an aisle. "Look!" He pulled down a box. Upon opening it, there sat a gun. "There are people who use a thing called 'guns magic'. They requipt them! Each gun has a different power." As he spoke, you looked at him. His knowledge was incredible. He pointed to things, he told you about it. It was almost as though he knew everything.

"(Y/n)!" You heard the deep voice of your father echo through the building. "Get out of there. You know it's improper for someone of you gender to learn magic." His heavy footsteps on the wood made you cower before him. He grabbed your arm, almost carrying you from the shop. You look behind you to look at your friend. He looked at you sadly before calling for you.

"Same time tomorrow?" With that, you smiled. Your father let you walk by yourself once out of the shop. Through the window you noded, making your friend smile back.

You walked in silence with your father all the way home. The air felt different from when you to the playground. It was much heavier. Much darker.

Once at your house, the father knelt down in front of you. "I don't want you learning magic. Why don't you understand this?!" His eyes were full of concern. He was a loving father. He cared for you. He told you everyday. This was the first time he had actually gotten angry with you.

He spoke more about why he didn't want you to learn it but soon, from the corner of your eye, you saw an object hurtling toward you. You flashed your eyes to it.

It was a rock.

Scratch that. A boulder.

Your heart drops. "Daddy! WATCH OUT!" It all happened in a second. One moment you were look your father in the eyes and the next, you were turning around to see your house gone. Along with your parents.

Your eyes filled with tears as the screams of the villagers filled your ears. "...mom?" You stood. Your hands over your mouth. "Dad?!" It was then you felt a hand on your wrist.

Through blurry vision, your friend pushed you into a building. "Hide." His whispers were fearful. "You live far enough for it to not come this way." It was then his eyes filled with tears.

"Stay with me." You begged him. He simply shock his head, pulling you into a hug.

"I'll come back. I need to find my family. We all will hide here." The hug was short lived as he pulled away to look at you. Though his own tears fell, he whipped yours. When you found his eyes, he whispered. "Stay alive." He forced a smile then you were alone.

You woke to silence. But not an ordinary silence. The hum was gone. When did I fall asleep? Your vision was split and blurred. Blinking, you could see a woman carrying a boy. His dark hair was familiar to you. You blinked. You tried to call out but talking alluded you.

You watched the two move out of your sight while the worst pain one could feel radiated through your body.

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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