Shining Stars

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I sit at the bar. My blank stare was fixed on my cigarette that had long been cooled. I rubbed my thumb across the condensated glass mindlessly.

"I'll come back."

I suppose everyone has something they regret. A promise they couldn't keep. A promise that haunts you for years after it's made. In my case, almost 9.

Every time I was alone, I thought about it. I thought about that day. The fearful faces of all the villagers as they ran from Deliora. Even the lifeless face of my mother from beneath the rubble that was my home after I woke up the first time.

I also remember waking up to see Lyon and Ur. They saved me but...I would soon black out again. The second time I woke, I remember seeing her. How she layed there in the destroyed building in which I left her.

"You live just far enough for him not to come this way."

The sight of her there, it was then I felt the cold grasps of depression dig it's claws into my already shattered Psyche. I lived that way for a while. It was only when Ur died when my personality changed.

Why am I going over my life...

I blinked as I heard what I thought was my name.

"Gray." Mira lightly grabbed my wrist, waiting for me to look at her. "Would you like a refull?" She gave a sweet smile.

I take in a breath. "No. I think I've had enough." I return the smile and grab the ash tray and walk it to a near by trash can. Upon dumping it, I could see everyone around me with lively smiles. I look down at the woodend floor to find that I was by my self. In a room full of people, I stood alone.

"I'll come back."

I blinked and walked back to the bar. "I'm going home." I dug in my pockets to find 10,000 jewel, laying it counter along with the ash tray, I began to walk out of the guild. No one spoke to me as I left which I was kind of relieved about. I hate showing my feelings. I hate talking about them. Because every time I do, I think. When I think, I remember. And when I remember, It hurts.

I hear the door slowely close. Once the final loud thud sounded, I looked at the sky. The stars shone brightly as I thought about the two people I lost. I figured that Ur didn't have a star, for she had the ocean. But (Y/n). I never could figure it out. Each night was a struggle to find it. I thought maybe I would have a feeling when I finally did spot it. That she from beyond would tell me that that was her. Now as for my mother, I figured she was the sun. She was always there for me much like the sun is always there to light the day. It's a bit corny of me to think that way but it makes me feel better. To know the ones I loved is still watching me and the ones in my life now.

I still searched the sky. But sadly, I still didn't find her. There are times lime this I feel like I would never find her.

She has to be...right?

I take in a breath as I look back to the earth. My heart ached as she flashed through my mind again.

I'll find you one day...that's a promise I will keep even if I die trying.

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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