The Star That Never Was

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I didn't know what happened. My body was numb though for the first time in while, I was cold. I stared into her eyes. They held my tearful gaze with her clueless thoughtful one. "I...I'm sorry. I believe you have the wrong person, sir." Her cheeks flushed a bright crimson before turning back to the ground. "At least...I think you do...I...I don't know how you know that statem-" Her words broke off as she pulled away from me. I felt Wendy's movement as I followed the girl.

She walked through the garden. Her bare feet pressing into the freshly tilled dirt soundlessly. "(Y/n)!" She stopped. When she did I stood directly behind her. "I'm sorry." A tear fell from my eye and slowly rolled down my cheek. She turned. She held her own that were overflowing. (Y/n) shook her head while mouthing what looked like no. "I never came back for you I'm sorry.." I looked to the ground as I couldn't help myself from crying, shaking, and even letting myself remember and feel. "I thought Deliora wouldn't find you, I thought that little house was far enough away..." Closing my eyes, I rambled on. My heart racing even more. I felt I would give myself a heart attack with each word I spoke. It was only when I felt a warm hand on my bare chest.

"It's okay." It soon moved up to my cheeks were the tear stains would soon be gone. "In all honesty, I thought you had died. I saw a woman, I assumed was your mother, carrying you away." She smiled sweetly. I never really looked at her the way I did now. When I was younger, I looked at her the way any child would. As a friend. A companion. Now...I noticed her beautiful features. I wouldn't say I was romantically attracted to her, though I loved her. If it were a scale, I suppose I was somewhere closer to the love one feels toward another when they are but good friends. Only I feared, taking today's circumstances, a new form of love would be planted to grow that said fondness.

"(Y/n)! Have you given them the water?" It was the voice of the elderly woman from before. I only assumed she had taken care of (Y/n) by the way she had jumped and stepped away from me, leaving my skin to feel the cool misty air. Just as she had put her hand back to the tray that held the pitcher of water as well as the cups, the elderly woman had appeared at the gate of the garden.

She smiled before holding the tray higher. "Would you like some water?" My heart danced as I felt my thirst, I simply nodded making (Y/n) let out the smallest laugh. She turned to Wendy. "Would you like some?" Her smile widened when Wendy also nodded. She waved for us to follow her. I couldn't take my eyes from her. I couldn't help but notice how utterly intoxicated I was of her. Again, not romantically. At I thought. The only thing I had to do was to block the ideas of any romantic escapades from my mind in hopes we could recover from Deliora and start a new. Though my efforts will all be for naught while as the day progressed, she helped us. She spoke of her small bakery job, the elderly woman (whom of which she called Grandma), and asked us questions of our own lives though I must say, hers was much more exciting to me.

The garden wasn't completely finished when the time had hit 6 o'clock. I sat with (Y/n) on the back porch steps while Wendy kept exclaiming 'This will get done today!' With the brightest smile. We simply waited for the sun to set so she would admit we had to come back tomorrow. At this hour? It would be in 15 minutes.

"Please don't be offended." I turned to (Y/n). Her eyes fixed on the watering can that sat at her feet. "I never really did know your name...I don't think you ever told me." I smiled. She had remembered. I never told anyone my name back then. The villagers, other children included, only referred to me as "that crazy boy" though I doubt she knew that. "So...if you don't mind...may I ask your name?" Through the progressing darkness, I could see her cheeks adopting a soft shade of red.

"Gray. Its nice to officially introduce myself." I held my hand out. I felt a bit awkward when I saw my palm and fingers. They were a bit dirty from helping Wendy plant those seeds and other various baby bushes and trees. I had given Wendy the gloves because it was the responsible thing to do. Plus I liked Wendy. She was like the baby sister I never had. It was only when she had taken my hand with such a delighted smile, the embarrassed feeling had went away and was replaced by relief. She repeated my name over and over in an attempt to remember. My heart jumped as I looked in her eyes. Within them held the stars I had searched years for.

xXTo Be ContinuedXx

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