19 - Klaus

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So intense!!!!

Imagine being kidnapped, Klaus coming to save you, and everything going wrong before you can tell him your secret.


It was the middle of the night. Klaus was sounds asleep, but you couldn't sleep for the second night in a row. It had been on and off for the past two months. Of course Klaus didn't know this. He didn't need to know.

You get up out if bed to get a glass of water, hoping it will help you fall asleep. You walk down the stairs.

The moon shines down at you over New Orleans. You loved living here, with Klaus, out of harms reach. Although that wasn't the case tonight.

You got your glass of water, turn around and drop it, cutting open your hand.

The person infront if you put a hand over your mouth. You start to feel weak, and dizzy as you slip away from the rest if the world without a choice.

In the morning, the place was turned into a madhouse. Klaus was in full rage, Rebekah was running around with Freya and Heyley. Elijah was trying to calm down Klaus and get Davina to help.

"Of course, now someone chooses to kidnap (Y/N)," Klaus yells.

Elijah was sitting in a chair. He stands up at attension because nothing had been happening for the past six months. "What do you mean, now?"

Klaus sighs. "Haven't you been able to tell?"

"Well if I did I would have said something. So, please, elaborate brother."

"She haden't been sleeping well. She's been acting weird for a couple of months. I thought it would pass, but I was wrong. She thinks I don't know, which is completely idiotic. I was going to say something today but-"

Elijah starts yelling. "A couple of months! You should of have said something weeks ago! This is so irresponsible!"

"All that matters is that we get her back in one piece, ok? We'll worry about what's been going on for the past two months later."

"Haven't you ever thought that what's been going on the last two months is why she got kidnapped?"

"It's a possibility."

Heyley, Rebekah, and Freya enter the room. "We have a lead."

Meanwhile you woke up to bright sunshine, and a cozy bed. You sit up instantly. Someone must have been watching you because they entered immediately.

A man sits in a chair next to you. "I'm glad your up, Mrs. Mikaeson."

"Who the hell are you," you ask.

"There is no need to worry about that." He pauses. "I'm not going to hurt you, darling. Oh, no. You will remain unscathed. I need you for leverage."

"Couldn't you just blackmail Klaus instead? I'm sure there's something out there," you scream.

"However if you continue with this obsessive, destructive, and annoying behavior I will have to silence you."

Your voice almost goes down to a whisper. "So, you're just going to keep me here?"

"And ask a few questions, might as well take advantage of the situation." He gets up to leave. "I'll be back with lunch. "He locks the door.

You have a disadvantage because you are human, but you refused to be turned, there was so many things you wanted to do as human before turning.

You look down to and see your hand wrapped in a bandage, you undo it and see it's healed. You were kidnapped by vampires.

To say the least, the man never made it back with lunch. You heard screams outside the door, making you back up on the bed.

The door bursts open and in comes Klaus. "Are you alright?"

He lifts up your arms scanning your body. "I'm fine Klaus, they barely touched me." You swallow. "Let's go."

He helps you off of the bed but you fall to your knees. They had drugged you too heavily.

That's when your life flashed before your eyes. Klaus was shot and passed out in a matter of seconds. The men came for you, but Elijah got to you first.

You're too shocked to cry, but it all comes out at once. Elijah carries you out to a large room. He set you down in a chair as a couple other people walk in at gunpoint.

"Are you ok?" Elijah asks. You shake my head no, but he has to go talk to the kidnappers. You end up balling the rest of the time, not watching what happened, curled up in a ball.

By the time you get home you're a hot mess. The girls lead you up to your bedroom to calm you down.

You had been thinking of what you were hiding for the past two months. You couldn't hold it in any longer, and decided to tell them. They were astonished and suprised beyond belief.

Elijah comes in to make sure you've calmed down, and you tell him too. He stands there with his mouth open, not sure of what to do. He stutters, but Klaus cuts him off as he bursts into the room.

"You're alive," you cry.

"I wouldn't leave you," Klaus says.

Everyone moves to the back of the room to give you two some space. He hugs you and you wrap your arms around him too.

"Klaus, there something I need to tell you..."

You take his hand and move it to your stomach. "How long," he asks.

"Two months," you answer.

His love for you only increased and life only got better from there.

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