a cruel cruel world

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This is a cruel world. Teagahn stood in a bathroom with a young teenage girl, lifeless, dying from blood loss because she wasn't happy with herself.

Everyone thought a small insult or what seamed a joke was harmless but actually created a lot of damage. It's like people wanted her to hate herself which made her actually hate herself. She was pretty and had a beautiful personality and now there was nothing left of it. Her arms and legs, torn to shreds by a simple blade.

She was pale as silk, her eyes like crystals and her hair still had a shine to it. Teagahn went over to the girl and took her wounded body in her grasp and held it tight. She weeped for hours and sat with the girl till she was taken away. But Teagahn couldn't forget her that easily, she couldn't loose her.

Days, maybe weeks past but Teagahn didn't give up on her friend. Why did the world let angels die just like that?

The funeral was in two weeks and she hadn't recovered. Her parents had simply told her to move on but how could she when her friend was gone.

Gone forever.

Never to return.

Teagahn had her dress picked out and her speech prepared but she still wasn't ready for the day.

She hadn't left her bedroom for the last few weeks.

Was is it depression?

Was it grief?

She didn't know but whatever it was, it wasn't pleasant. She probably had a million missed calls from friends, family, school, her piano teacher, but she hadn't touched her phone since the incident, nor did she even care.

Nothing could fix the situation. All her life consisted of was:
Listening to sad music and writing songs for Olivia.

All she wanted was for Olivia to wake up. So she could lie next to her again and just feel her presence. Maybe even laugh but that was impossible.

She was dead. Gone. Lifeless.
She couldn't hear Teagahn's cries for her. Her piano had a thick lining of dust on it and hadn't been touched in months. But Teagahn had written many songs for Liv, most of them consisted of Teagahn saying sorry and blaming herself. But it wasn't her fault at all. She was being too harsh on herself but she couldn't help it.

Then one day her mother came into her room to talk to her. She said something about friends, talking to people on the phone and getting outside but she pushed all of those things away.

Then when her mother left, a white envelope lay on the end of her bed. She carefully opened it to reveal a letter. A letter saying congratulations. She had made it into the professional music and performing arts university. She smiled to herself but not on the outside.

What was the outside world like? She'd forgotten what it was like to live in the real world. Had the world forgotten about her?

She didn't know if she was ready to face the real world again. Maybe people wouldn't accept her because she had been gone for so long. Or had the whole world moved on and forgotten Teagahn?

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