all comes rushing back

8 1 1

I remember everything.

My father's death,
Olivia's death,
my mother's death,
my first boyfriend,
my first day of high school. Everything.

I try to stand up but my legs give way. I catch a glimpse of someone in the mirror. Oh, that's me? Messy blond hair, grey bags under my green eyes, bruises all over my arms and legs. The weak girl in the mirror almost gives me a fright. "Teagahn, I have to say. You're amazing. You are a strong beautiful brave girl who's been through so much that you don't deserve. And you know what? You are still here fighting and surviving. You know what!? We need to get out, go treat ourselves." Tyler says lending me a hand. I blankly search his face to detect his emotion. I get nothing.

I go into my old bedroom. It feels empty and it smells of dust and old clothes. I open my dresser and imagine a huge dust cloud and moths flying out in a swarm towards me like in cartoons and books I've read. But nothing happens but I get a little spooked by the thought.

Then I realise they are literally just imaginary moths. I laugh at myself and shake the thought out of my head.

I wash my face and have a warm shower. I stare at the girl that stares back at me through the mirror. Sixteen years old, it doesn't feel or seem right but it is.

I decide to wear a black hoodie that covers my arms and a pair of black jeans. I put my feet in a pair of black converse. No... Im not depressed at all, dressing in all black and covering as much skin as I can.

"Teag! You ready?" My patient brother calls.

"Well I'm ready as I'll ever be!" I say and meet him in the garage.

When we arrive at the shopping centre we head to the clothing stores. My first destination is Factorie. I subtlety remember this shop from when I was in year 8. I walk in and the lady at the counter gives me a sympathetic smile. It's always the way, I just fake smile back.

A cropped tank top that is purple catches my eye. I think of trying it on, but my arms. I'm not ready for that yet. I hear screams coming from somewhere in the centre but I ignore it. Then I move over to the jeans and look at different variations of light blue denim but then... I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I slowly turn around and a silver barrel stares me down. I stare down the barrel and I raise my arms above my head. I am pushed against a wall harshly and I turn around, stomach to the wall. I shut my eyes tightly and fear what my mind predicts will happen next.

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