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General Hux couldn't believe it himself. He wasn't too bad off but somehow he'd gotten himself fucked up by some rebel scum. They had over taken him so easily. He knew he should have been training all this time. He would have been stronger than them if he had. But of course he hadn't and now he was waking up in a cell.

The cell was more like a sweet at a hotel. It had one large queen bed and a large living area, a small bathroom and a closet. Must have been an extra room that they'd lock prisoners up in.

Great, he'd add this to the ever growing list of things he hated. He'd been so foolish. How could he have let this happen. What was wrong with him?

“You sure do mope a lot.” it was a man (looked more like a boy than anything) with dark, long, curly, black hair. He was dressed up like a Jedi and Hux couldn't recall him actually coming in. “All you do is think about your mistakes.”

“What do you want?” he snapped back at the tall figure. “Come to execute me? Has your General finally made up her mind?”

The man laughed “No, my mom doesn't resort to killing prisoners. Even if they are as bad as you.”

“Then why are you here?” he narrowed his eyes at the man.

“Actually, I thought you could use something to eat. I brought you some food.” The tall man smiled and showed him a tray of food. A large steak, some potatoes, and a small green salad.

“How do I know it's not drugged?”

The man sighed and set the tray down, he grabbed the fork and knife and took a bite of the steak, the potatoes and the salad.

Hux gasped “You're just going to eat my food?”

“Are you always this difficult? There, not drugged food, now enjoy.”

The man held it out to him and Hux took it gingerly. He picked up the fork and whipped it on his shirt, giving the food a skeptical look, he took a bite. Only then did he remember he was starving. He began to eat faster. Once he was done he realized the stranger was still in his room. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” The man took the tray as he passed it back. “My names Ben by the way,  Ben Solo.”

“Hux, just Hux.” He gave a formal nod. “Do they just let you sit in here with me? I could kill you.”

“Judging by the way you got captured so easily I don't belive you, especially not against a jedi.”

So he was a jedi. That explained the weird aura and the clothes.

“You're one of the strangest prisoners I've ever met.” The Solo smiled and left without the other man even being able to respond.

This was his first time meeting Ben. He met the tall man again a few days later.

“Hey” Ben smiled as he entered the room.

“You again? What is it this time?” Hux grimaced.

“I just came to visit. Something wrong with that?”

“Why would you want to do that?”

“I thought you might be lonely in here, I can go if you want. My dad doesn't want me talking to you anyways.” The raven haired man turns to go.

“No!” no? What had gotten into him.

“Alright.” Ben had a triumphant smirk on his face.

“Don't look so smug, I am lonely and that's it.” Ben sat down and it was silent for a good long while. “You’re bad at being good company.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Aren't you supposed to talk to me? Maybe weasel some information from me?”

“I guess, that not really why I came in here, though.” Ben shrugs “I know who you are now and honestly my dad is right. You're pretty bad, Starkiller.”


“Starkiller, it's what we call General Hux in the resistance.”

“How childish of you all.”

“I guess.” Ben shrugs. “What's it like? Knowing you killed all those people?”

“I don't really stop to think about it.”

“Lives don't mean anything to you?” Hux stares back, he doesn't have an answer for this childish man. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” Ben stands up and leaves. He doesn't know why the question unnerved him. If anyone else had asked he would have said no, lives where an exploit that he could use. He shivered and sat on the bed.

Ben came to visit a lot more than Hux would have liked. Though, there was a plus side to it all. Ben started bringing tastier meals to his holding room. Large meals that tasted fantastic, but he would never express this aloud. Then, Ben starts to bring two meals.

“What are you doing?” Hux looks at the two trays.

“I asked the General if I could eat with you and she granted me permission.” A smile spreads over the raven haired man's face.

Hux gives him and skeptical look before accepting his food and eating. “Why are you being so nice?” he says after swallowing.

“You're a living thing right?”

“of course, what a ridiculous ques-”

“Then you deserve kindness, right?”

“Not really, not all life deserves kindness.” he scowls,

Ben laughs, it's warm, rich, and full. “I'll see you tomorrow.” He glares as the man leaves, it was not supposed to be funny.

Hux starts to expect Ben everyday. He assumes he will always get a visit from the man. Some days Ben doesn't visit and he hates that he feels a bit more alone in his cell then normal on those days. Ben always returns the next day and apologizes.

“What's your favorite color?” Ben smiles.

“Why do you want to know?” Hux raises an eyebrow.

“indulge me this once, General.”

“I am no longer a General.”

“Whatever, answer my question.”

He's never really had time to stop and think about his favorite color. It's so trivial that it never came to mind. Colors are just colors, but Ben is giving him a patient look. “I suppose it's green.”


What was this, a quiz? “I don't know, Ben.”

“There must be a reason, think.”

Green was a color he seldom saw, especially being a General. He never visited planets and therefore never really got to see green. “I don't not see it as often as I do red or black, or various grays.”

“Well mines blue.”

“Why?” Hux smirks, he throws the question right back.

“Theres always a reason.” Ben smiles and gets up.

“Don't you dare leave, you made me answer your question, so you must answer mine.”

“life's unfair isn't it, General Hux.” The man turns and leaves.

He's a little angry but in the long run what can he do to change it. He steams for a while before getting up from his bed. He passes a mirror hung up and stops. He needs a shave, bad. His hair is unkempt and he hates it, he looks like a slob. His bright blue eyes look tired.

Blue. Hux’s eyes widen slightly as he darts each eye to look back and this own blue colored eyes. There is always a reason, echoes in his head.

A grin spreads over his face, what an idiot. Ben had fallen for him. Him, out of anyone. Why? That was besides the point. Ben was Leia’s son. He was important and could bring him things, HAS brought him things. Ben is a perfect exploit and now Hux has a way to exploit him. A pressure point he can work on and abuse.

He was getting out of here, starting now.

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