I'm Ready

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I don't own Percy Jackson

Percy POV

"Lord Chaos" I said as I bowed down, "I can do this, I'm ready, its been 4 years."

"Ah Percy Jackson, my star pupil, what could you possibly talking about?"he asked with a smirk. I glared at Chaos.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about my Lord... I must join the battle, and I've asked you time and time again to call me Mavrek, Percy Jackson died the day his mother did." I could see the pity in his eyes.

Sally Jackson had died 2 years ago, beaten to death by Gabe. Gabe was my stapfather, he beat me as a kid. He'd get drunk, he'd yell at me, and then he beat me. I had broken ribs constantly as a kid, to protect her...and now, shes gone.

"The titan battle is no place for a 16 year old child, Percy" he said to me.

"Lord Chaos, I respectfully disagree, I am the commanding officer in your army, I have trained for 4 years under you, and have been blessed by Nyx, Puntos, and Eros. That is not one but three primordial gods. I was claimed by you because Posiden refused to accept that I was his flesh and blood." I argued, "I am the strongest demigod alive, and I am pulling words right out of your mouth as I say that Sir."

Chaos stared at me from his desk, "Percy, if I do send you, and that is a large if, then Percy Jackson will no longer exist. You would be known as Mavrek, Commander of Chaos' army. You cannot take your revenge against Gabe, you cannot anger the people you will work with, and you can certainly not show any extreme shows of power, and no revealing that Posiden is your birth father." I scowled at my 'adoptive' father and he scowled back at me.

"The only part about that I have an issue with is my inability to do anything to Gabe, you know about all of the shit that I went through with that asshole, he killed my mother." I growled out.

"Percy, calm down, you know exactly why, you said it just a couple of minutes ago, you are the strongest demigod alive, I don't need to find a way to cover up the brutalist murder that has occured since cannibals boiled people in tribal times." He growled back, "I will allow you to go if you swear on my name to follow the rules that I've given to you.

"Fine."I muttered, "I swear on Lord Chaos to follow by the rules that have been presented to me in my current situation."


"Mavrek do you have your shit together?"asked Bianca.

"Bee I can assure you I don't, you've met me."I said smirking.

"Mav, I'm gonna kill you, but you know I love you."she said.

Chaos came into the room and looked at Bia and I standing alone in my room with clothes surrounding us and my shirt off.

"Lord Chaos don't jump to conclusions.. I'm packing. You were the one that said I could go,"I muttered.

"I didn't jump to conclusions Percy, I know you're gay." I stared, wide eyed at my adoptive father.

"How'd you know that?" I asked

Bianca stiffled a laugh before excusing herself. "Percy, you have lived in a coed complex for the past 4 years. Not only have you never once asked a girl out but you've never paid attention to a girl, and you stare at guys." I blushed heavily before turning back to my packing.

"I'll be ready to go in 5 minutes, Lord Chaos" I said, still blushing.

He smirked and walked out of my room with the reminder to pack my hood and cabin, as Chaos's commander I had studied technological advancment. I made a foldable, fully equipped cabin, honoring my patron. I finished packing and walked out into the dark hallway before making my way to the large living room.

"Are you ready to go?"asked Chaos.

"Yes Sir, I'm ready to return to Earth, I'm ready for this fight." I said.

"Good, I'm sending your unit with you" said Chaos smirking.

"Your sendimg them with me to Earth? They aren't trained as well as I am Sir." I mentioned

"They have been training as long as you have, just not quite as vigoursly, so relax Percy. You need the company and they're your friends, they'll have your back and I know you'll dislike many people at the camp your being sent to. Therefore you need them." Chaos smirked.

Bianca, Ethan, Zoe, Thalia,and Leo walked into the large room with bags slung over their shoulders.

"Fine, but let's go. This war has gone on long enough, we are the deciding factor, I'm ready" I told the group.

Chaos looked at us and smiled, "how about the rest of you? Are you ready to go? And not mess anything up of course, its been 4 years since the year of your deaths. No revenge, no random displays of power, none of that" he stated.

The six of us nodded our heads, almost in sync, after 4 years of traing together and bitching at each other, our ability to sync up was almost frightening. Chaos looked at us confused before stating that he was going to send us back to Earth. He told us to be prepared for the head rush.

Then everything went black.


I woke up to a blonde chick staring down at me.

"Why the fuck won't your hood come off you're head? What's your name? Who are your friends? Why are you all unconsious?" Asked blondie

"Whoa, back off blondie, none of those questions are going to be answered for you. Now I need to talk to the leader in this camp." I interrupted her incesent questions.

She scowled at me before stomping out of the strangely bright room. I sat up and pushed my hand against my throbbing head before sending a brain signal out to my unit. The second it reached them I felt their brains snap to attention.

Then the door opened again, and a centaur stepped in.

"Are you the leader of this camp?"I asked him.

"Yes, my name is Chiron, welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

"Perfect,"I said as I stood up, "I've been sent here by Lord Chaos, to help with the war." I said. Chiron flinched away when I said that.

Then there was a sudden crash of thunder and there was an angry man in the room. I smirked, knowing that it was Zues. This was it. I'm ready for this.

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