Why Should I Tell You Who I Am?

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I don't own Percy Jackson

Percys POV

"Ah lord Zeus, its nice to finally meet you."

"Excuse me? Who are you boy?"he glared down at me.

I, of course, chuckled under my breathe, because pissing off gods, who cares? Zeus' face got red and angry at that, he looked like a tomato, if that tomato were the king of the gods. With a temper. And lightning.

Ignoring me, Zeus talked to Chiron, "I felt a surge of power, what was it"

Chiron grimanced and looked down at the ground, "Lord Zeus that surge of power was sent from the commander of Chaos's army."

Zeus' eyes widened in something close to shock before narrowing at Chiron, "Lord Chaos has no reason to have ordered a wave of power."

Then I spoke up, "Lord Zeus, pardon me for interrputing, but Chaos did not order a wave of power, he sent power itself, he sent me." At that statement, two things happened, Chiron put his head in his hand and Zeus turned into an eagle and back again, then everything went black.

When I came to, I was in a large well lit room, with twelve gods staring down at me.

"Who are you? Why can't we see your face? Who sent you?"

"What's with you greeks and the rapid fire questions the second someone wakes up? First, that blonde chick, and now millenia old gods... but to answer those, you can't see my face because I don't want you to, and I was sent by Chaos." I got mixed responses to that statement, a couple angry glares, a couple of smiles, and mix between scoffs and angry "whats!".

I patiently waited for the gods to calm down before saying anything, "and as for your first question, why should I tell you who I am?" I finally let my face show, I pulled off my hood to let my intense glare be seen. I looked at all of the Olympians, I could name off all of the gods, so I looked at the god I knew to be Posieden, my father. He was older, had blackish gray hair, and was wearing fishers clothes. He looked stunned, I wasn't sure though if it was because of the information Id just told them, or if he recognized me as his son.

"You have no choice but tell us who you are, because you have two options. Either you tell us and then we decide your punishment, or we shoot first and ask questions later" Zeus said, staring down at me. I stood there calmly before smirking.

"All you need to know is that I'm the Commander of Chaos's army, Mavrek, I have been trained by the best, and blessed by primordial gods. So please, do continue to threaten me, I'm sure that'll end well. I came to aid in the end of this titan war, as you keep losing people to them."  Then I turned to walk out, my job there was done.

"Stop." One of the gods told me to stop so I did, I turned my ear back towards them, "you're a demigod," I turned to face them completely.

"What evidence do you have?" I asked calmly.

"You have a demigods aura, whose child are you?" The girl speaking wasn't on a throne, she was on the floor facing the fire.

"Lady Hestia, I may be a demigod, but Im not going to tell you what my parentage is, its irrelavant to the war, and I'm not going to be at fault for the reprecusions that it will cause."

"Alright Mavrek, I understand." Said Hestia, looking at me sadly.

"Thank you lady Hestia, I'll be going now, I have to get my warriors situated" and I disappeared from the throne room without a trace. A gift from Lady Nyx, shadow travel.

Back at the camp, Camp Halfblood, I set down the folded cabin, and pressed the activate button, stepping back, it opened up. Boards spread over the grass and walls raised. In the front, stairs led up to a porch to the door. I sent a mental wave out to my warriors, that the cabin was set up.

"Looks good, Mav, so did ya tell them who we are?" Ethan asked.

"Are you kidding me? What would I say? Hi, my name is Percy Jackson, I'm the long dead son of Poseiden. My friends and I , who have been dead for four years, are going to save you from destruction, because we've been training for those four years, to kill titans!"

"Don't give us that shit, kelp face" said Thalia, glaring at me as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. Bianca blushed, wrapped up in Thalia.

"Relax, pinecone face. Bianca's yours, no need to stake your claim. Besides, I'm gay, you know that..." then there was knock on the door of our cabin.

I opened the door to see blondie, staring at her ankles in surprise. They were bound to the porch in black rope that tightened as she tried to step away.

"What do you want blondie? And where's the knife?" Her eyes widened and she growled.

"My name isn't blondie, and how the fuck do you know about my knife?" She said.

"Listen blondie, the cabin has security measures, unauthorized weapons can't make it past the front porch, different weapons trigger different alarms. Knives trigger those ropes, guns trigger a golden net, swords trigger ropes around wrists and ankles." I explained, not removing the rope, "now what is it that you wanted?"

"My name is Annabeth, and Chiron and Mr. D want to see you."

So I made my way down to the 'big house' as they called it. A blue house that looked like it would blow over at the slightest breeze. I carefully opened the door before slipping into the creaky house.  I walked into the 'conference room' where Chiron stood with the god, Dionysus.

"Lord Dionysus, why are you at the camp, did Zeus send you?"

"No, Marvin, this is my sentence."

"Mavrek, what Mr. D was tring to say is welcome to the Camp, where are you staying?"

I smirked, "I have a cabin, Chaos' cabin, I created it myself. Its already set it up, nothing to worry about, Chiron. I do have a question, why do you keep losing demigods to the titans?"

Chiron frowned, clearly upset, "Two years ago, there were two demigods, children of Hades, they were going to a school with a manticore disguised as a teacher. The manticore worked for the titans, two children of Hades, siblings, were attacked. The manticore had orders to bring them to General Atlas, the sister died trying to protect her brother. He was forced to join the titans, now he recruits, he's second in command to Atlas."

As Chiron told the story, I frowned, as he continued my frown deepened. I knew this story. The 'sister' in the story, was Bianca. And the brother she protected was Nico, awkward and young, and now aparently second in command to Zoe's father. What an awful situation.

"Thank you Chiron, I have to go to my cabin, dinner is at 6, yes?" I said, as I slunk into the shadows quickly.

I went back to the cabin and called for my warriors. I explained to them the story that Chiron had just told me. Bianca was crying after hearing about Nico. Zoe looked angry, she hated her father. Thalia looked almost as irritated Zoe, if her girlfriend was upset, she was angry. Ethan was troubled and so was Leo, flames flicked over his fingers. I called water to my hand, ready to put out any fire Leo started, in case the fire resistwnce in the cabin failed.

"I know, just remember that it'll be okay. We'll get revenge for you Bianca. I swear. Maybe we can change his mind bring him over to this side, you'll get your brother back.

AN- so let me know how the story is so far, and R&R

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