Which way do you swing?

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"Let's break up. I'm sorry." He said staring into her emerald eyes as though looking for some sort of emotion akin to sadness. The scene in the film switches to her now, as the actress shows her different forms of grief and depression, completely different to what she showed when she heard the news at first. I slouched down on my couch, reminiscing on the scene in the movie and what had just taken place an hour ago. Once again I was single and once again I felt nothing, it were as though it never mattered to me. That feeling of just complete emptiness engulfed me.

It was the same line that I was used to, the exact same line used by the douche in the movie, like come on isn't there a more creative way of breaking up with someone. Hell I would love it if someone where to send me a kitten, with a note in the basket saying 'you're single now, but don't worry you'll be a wonderful cat lady!'. Seriously though is that too much to ask for?
I sighed heavily and looked back at the film playing on my flatscreen tv. It was the all too clichéd screen. The protagonist's big makeover. To me it seemed so bogus, why bother changing yourself now? Do you want to find love again, or just play around with someone else's heart just like your ex did to you. Regardless of how you look at it, that isn't you, it's just a heart broken, faux confident in pretty pink heels. I turned the tv off, already I could picture what the outcome was heading to.

"Elisha do you like it like that?" A voice that seemed so familiar to me whispered seductively into my ears, as though telling a dirty little secret that they wanted the world to know but keeping it all to themself. "L-like what?" I stuttered to answer, my voice barely escaping my mouth. "Like this silly, open your eyes and look, tell me if you like what you see."
Following the voice's direction I opened my heavy eyes. Only to view something that can only be described as me dreaming it up. A girl whom my subconscious recognized but, with whom my mind was foreign to, it felt strange yet comforting. But regardless there she was naked and on top of me.
Unlike my rich caramel complexion, she had a lighter tone almost vanilla like, her hair was just the way I liked it on girls, short, the texture of her hair was in a war against itself , straight at the roots but curly locks just about long enough to kiss her cheeks as she rubbed against me slowly.
The light in the room was tinted so I was unable to view her face clearly, all but her amber eyes which felt as though they could read me as easily as a book. She bent down resting her bare chest against my own. Locking lips with her, the softness, the sweet flavour of her lip balm, all of it excited me. To a point where I didn't care if it was a dream or not. I wanted her, and I wanted her 'badly'.

"Elisha!, Elisha!!" My mother's voice called. Waking me up in a daze, but like a trained soldier I immediately responded wiping the sleep from my eyes. "Child it's time for you to get ready, and I thought I told you not to stay up all night watching movies." She hit me with a question that already had been answered. Apologizing quickly and in a heated race with the clock I managed to get ready just in time to hitch a ride with my neighbor and best friend, Che. He's in his secound year in university now but I could always beg him for a lift to my high school which wasn't too much of a detour off his course. He had a soft spot for me puppy dog eyes. He's six years older but we got along great since the first day we met, which was about four or five years ago now..... I'm not one to keep track of anniversaries or the like, I just find to time consuming and annoying.

"Elisha how many times must I tell you I'm not your personal driver. " He said staring directly at me with his soulful dark brown eyes, and crossing his toned arms, he always was the type to work out in between his studies, as a mechanical engineering student you wouldn't expect a body like his, especially his dark tanned skin.
"Come on please, I'm desperate here, I overslept and missed the bus. Come on don't you remember the struggles of a teenager. Please Che onii-chan?" I pleaded all teary eyed.
"Urgh......I don't even know why I hang out with you, honestly" He said rushing his hands though his dark brown hair nonchalantly.
"Cause you wuv me, big time." I said puffing my chest up in a conceited motion.
"Ha. Don't flatter your self too much midget, might just kick you out at the side of the road" He threatened jokingly. I laughed sarcastically and hopped into his car, I was never one to be in too cars so all I know is it's a 4x4 drive and has a BMW logo at the back of it. I've seen int countless times but never really bothered to ask him much about it. Though I knew he wouldn't mind giving me an in depth introduction of his car no details spared.

Along the drive I brought him up to date on my current relationship status, he simply laughed and said it was to be expected. I couldn't help but laugh along to his usual quick witted and harsh comments about my ex. It was just his personality he loved to trash talk people in a joking way, but he wasn't afraid of telling them to their face either, that's what made us get along so well and why I preferred him to any and the kids my age and more than any of the guys and girls. He wasn't afraid to say how he felt regardless of who heard, that's one of the things I admired most about him.

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