Left or Right?

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When we arrived finally, I kissed Che on the cheek and bounced out the car. He sighed and raised the volume, on whatever hip hop song he had playing on his radio, as he reversed  and drove out of the drive way.

"Che today huh? Well aren't you lucky." A cheeky voice said from behind me.
"Don't know what you're talking about Anne." I said turning around to face her.
Annabel put her hand on her hip, and shook her index finger and her head simultaneously.
She was of mixed races, with a dark complexion but long curly hair reaching her waist which she loved to show off in amazing braided styles. This time though was a French braid. Her appearance contradicted her attitude. She acted as though she was straight from the hood, with the style of a fashion diva. She'd rather die than be caught looking anything less than five hours of perfection.

"Oh well, in other news...... heard you and Dante broke up, how are you holding up? Need Mike and I to kick his ass?! Pardon my french." She said in a mixture of a comedic, apologetic and genuinely concerned tone, and for Anne who is always a busy body and a bit of a wild card, that was a hell of a rare thing.
"No don't bother about it.. Honestly I could care less. But how'd you find out so quickly? It only happened last night." I asked a bit astonished.
"Well y'know that Kristen gall, the one with the broad ass hips and the legs that spread like butter on bread. Well~~you would not believe what she tweeted last night, a relationship update with our lovely man in question."
We both laughed loud enough for all the kids passing by to give us concerned looks, which just made us laugh harder. Finally catching our breaths and gaining composure. We made our way to our lockers which lucky for us were right next to each other's. This came in handy especially on days like this, where there was so much gossip for Anne to bring me up to date with and so little time to do it.

As we walked on, my eyes couldn't help but glance twice at what some may call a crush. But to me, this was way beyond any little 'crush'. If people could create a person from their imagination, only the best features that complement each other. This was my greatest work. A figment straight out of my very own head. She was breathtaking, unlike anyone I had ever met. Skin that gave off a bronze like shine, and a softness that could only be imagined to feel just like cotton with the smoothness of silk. A figure like a model's, although she already was one, thin, curvy and elegantly tall. Her face was that of a real life fantasy. Light brown eyes that could pierce your soul and make you do things, you wouldn't be proud of. But all the while you don't want to stop. Her lips were plump, a pink below and a gorgeous light purple on top. Makes me wonder if below was the same color.

*Was it just me or did our eyes just meet?* I wondered after being forced to look away by Annabel's nudging at my arm reminding me not to be a stalker in broad daylight. But I couldn't shake the feeling of it. Bello amante. If only right?. As if Dia-Anne even noticed me.
What was I even saying, the only girl I've ever been with was the one in my dreams, my parents would probably kill me if I told them their only daughter has a crush on a girl, oh and by the way she's a year older and did I mention straight.
Seeing my facial expression Annabel opened her mouth as if to say something, but stopped as her eyes spotted someone.

With two more words escaping her mouth, Anne was gone. Only to re-appear with her hands wrapped around Mike. Who looked as surprised to see her. They were together for six months now and counting. They were what you would call relationship goals, if I had any. For me it was chocolates, two dates and a really good kisser and your my type, throw in a good sense of humor and a terrible personality and you're a keeper.
They were the school's power couple, open and proud lesbians. Mike, short for Michelle. A red head with a feisty attitude, she was practically one of the guys. With her tanned skin tone, boy cut hair and green eyes, it was no wonder how she got Anne to fall for her, and it also wasn't any wonder why both the guys and girls found her attractive.
They both gave me a wink and taking the hint I did what a good friend would, sacrificed my quality alone time, and drew in Mike's friends to a new location with my conversational skills which Anne taught me just for these occasions. After the first few times it was natural, plus I had grown accustomed to this group already. Two jocks; Tod and Nick (Todrick and Nicholas). Tod had brown curly hair always in a man bun with dark blue eyes. Nike on the other hand had black straight hair with two sides and the back shaved leaving the top to fall to the left with brown eyes. Then was Nia I shy girl who barely said much around me, the most being a hello, I simply figured she didn't like me. She had long brown hair reaching her upper back, and two piercings in each ear, her eyes were a darkish grey which she hid behind thick spectacles. Then last but not least Emma, a hipster who always helped when I ran short on topics, she was like a walking media. Every celebrity, movie, book, tv show and series. There was nothing this short silver haired girl didn't know, even her blue contacts had an anime sign on it.
We were already what you could call friends, we knew very little of each other but still it was more than what some people had.
"So guys I wanna get everyone here's sexual orientation, for my social studies research. Basically I need to pry into your personal life for my own extra marks. Thank you in advance." Emma said as the conversation had just finished off the topic of who was the best ninja turtle.
"Uh.... is that really necessary, couldn't it just be about who likes cake more than ice cream?" Nia said sheepishly trying to hide her hands into her purple sweater sleeves.
"Nope, teach said its gotta be on something recent and with which people may have multiple different views on, so I thought what better than sexuality. With all the buzz about it in social media these days." Emma replied, staring down poor Nick as her fist victim.

"So Nick, tell me what does a big guy like you have fantasies about?" She said in a seductive news woman's voice at Nick.
"Well honestly Emma I gotta say, if I had to choose I'd say....................Your mom." He finished with a smirk, which was short lived by Emma's expression.
"Wow. I have two dads. Didn't know you were gay Nicholas, congrats for swinging for the same team." Em said chuckling her little heart out. While Nick was red to his ears from embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry Emma....... I didn't know, it was a stupid joke, please forgive me." He pleaded with his eyes,
"Don't sweat it we're cool, as soon as you answer my question properly." She warned.
"Straight." Nick said in bit of a rushed breath.

Next was Tod who surprised us all and said he was bisexual. When quarried he said he'd dated a total of three guys before, three times less than the number of girls he has dated.
Nia said straight although she paused a bit before answering making that a bit questionable, but we brushed it aside due to her normal meek nature.
Last was myself, but before I answered I asked Emma what was her sexual orientation first, she gave me a smile as though she was prepared to say it from the beginning,

"One hundred percent....~

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