Question 7

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                                                                       --SPOILER ALERT--

Before I start this, I'd just like to say that THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS about Harry Potter. If you have not read or watched the movies or books, I suggest you do so before reading this.


Ello, I dare you to watch every Harry Potter movie in one night. I have. IT WAS FLIPPING AWESOME!!! (I am not British, I am American) >~<


"Sure!" Dark said happily. "I love Harry Potter! I might fall asleep though..."

Anti stared at the screen skeptically.


Dark gave Anti a confused look.

"What's wrong?"

"Err...what is Harry Potter?"

Dark stared at him.

"Are you joking?!" he asked.

"" Anti replied, looking down.

Dark grabs Anti's hand, and drags him into the living room, making him sit on the couch.

"You are watching it, right now."

"O...okay.." Anti said meekly, a bit shaken.

After the first movie:

Anti stared at the screen.

"I'm really confused now. Is what's his face dead?"

"You mean Voldemort?"


"No, he isn't dead."

"Oh, okay."

"Ready for the second movie?"

"Yeah," Anti said. "What's this one called."

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Dark answered, popping the DVD into the DVD player.

After the second, third, and forth movie:

"Voldemort is nasty!" Anti declared.

"Yeah, he really is." Dark said, swapping the DVD's."

"He possessed a little girl, killed a ton of people, including Sirius, almost killed Harry about...what, four times now?"

"Five, if you count when he tried to kill him as a baby." Dark said, turning on the fifth movie.

After the Fifth, Sixth, and both parts of the Seventh movies:

"Woah, woah, woah, wait! You can't just kill off that many good characters!" Anti shouted.

"Yeah I know, that's one of the only things I don't like about Harry Potter." Dark said, cleaning up the mess of DVD's, before sitting next to Anti on the couch.

"Well, I liked it!" Anti said. "Can't believe I didn't find that sooner..."

Dark smiled.

"Glad you enjoyed it!"

Questions with Darkiplier and AntisepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now