Question 9 - Part 1

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Ok I got one.

I dare Dark, Anti, Mark, and Jack to stay the night in an abandoned insane asylum from 8pm to 6am. And if anyone chickens out and leaves before 6am, they have to kiss their opposite! 😉


(I'm assuming by 'opposite' you mean Anti - Jack, Dark - Mark)

*Smirks* Oh, Hell yeah.

 Anti takes one look at the question, and tries to flee the room.

"FOOK THAT!" He screamed over his shoulder. Dark jumped up and grabbed him, dragging him back.

"I personally don't want to kiss Mark, no idea about you!" Dark hissed.

"No, I don't want to kiss Jack, but...Gah, you KNOW I HATE THOSE THINGS!" He shouted again, sounding torn.

"The only good part about this, is that Mark and Jack have to come too." Dark sighed, letting go of Anti's arm.

"They do?" Anti asked. 

Dark rolled his eyes.


"No. Well, I started reading The Martian, cause Mark suggested it to Jack, and then he suggested it to me-"



"Anyway, let's get Mark and Jack over here." Dark said, sighing deeply.

"Wait, we're actually doing this?!" Anti yelped.

Dark nodded.


"Wait wait wait wait, You want us to do WHAT?!" Jack cried.

Mark only stared in absolute horror at Anti and Dark.

"Does it look like WE want to do it?!" Dark argued.

"We have to stay in an asylum. At night. For 10 hours? What is some supernatural shit happens?" Mark asked.

"YOU PLAY TOO MANY HORROR GAMES!" Jack, Anti, and Dark all shouted in unison.

"Geez, okay, I get it, calm down." Mark said hurriedly, lifting his hands in surrender. Jack suddenly made a small squeak.

"What time is it?!" He said.

"Um....It's 7:13! If we're actually doing this, than we need to go now!" Dark cried.

"Wait, does anyone actually know where an abandoned asylum is?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, there's one about 35 minutes away." Anti said.

"Why do you guys live so close to one of these things?" Jack said under his breath, shaking his head.

Mark heard him, and laughed, pulling him towards the car. 

"Come on. Aren't you Irish people brave?" He teased.

"We're drunk half the time. Not brave." Jack retorted.

Mark burst out laughing again.


"Oh my fucking god." Mark said, is funny attitude vanishing. "That looks literally like a fucking horror game!" Jack stood beside him motionless. Anti and Dark fidgeted, as if nervous.

The building was huge, almost the size of a mansion. It had wooden shutters, which were hanging by their corners, or looked like they were going to snap. The building was made up of grey cobblestone, with wooden trim around the doors, windows, and roof. A huge, heavy looked metal and wood door decorated the front. Stones which had broken away from the building over years of decay lined the ground. The grass and plants were overgrown, spilling out onto the path. The building was completely dark, the closest light came from a street lamp with illuminated the road behind the group. Vines climbed the outside of the building, and curled around broken, old fashioned looking street lights that were once used to light the path.

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