When HE met THEM

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Ever since Taehyung was young he has been a social outcast and was looked down apon by many for his seemingly 'childish' nature. Even now at the age of seventeen he had absolutely no friends. When Taehyung was younger the loneliness was manageable because he always had his mother by his side, she was his best friend. But five years ago, Taehyung's mother was offered a job in Busan, which was significantly far away from Seoul, where they lived. On her way to Busan a problem occurred. A train had been travelling on the wrong track and the two trains collided, killing everyone inside. When Taehyung received the news, he was devastated, his whole world had turned upside-down in the blink of an eye. Since then he completely left school because he had no motivation to stay, except his mother who would egg him on every step of the way. Instead he stayed at home with his father and done part time jobs here and there. But Taehyung was entering his last year of high school and he desperately needed to do something with his life, he did not want to end up like his father who sits around drinking away his problems with no job, money or wife.

Taehyung was sleeping soundly, dreaming about him and his mother relaxing under a tree in the summer. Suddenly, Taehyung was awoken by a hideous noise and jumped up out of surprise. He looked at his still beeping clock, it was 5:15 in the morning."Shit!" He hoisted himself out of his bed and ran to the bathroom. He had five minutes to get ready before he had to be out the door and catch the bus. After Taehyung had got dressed he bolted down stairs and grabbed a piece of toast that had been 'conveniently' placed on the kitchen counter. "Bye Dad! Have a great day!" No reply. He huffed and slammed the door and stormed to the bus stop around the corner. "He couldn't even say goodbye to his son on his first day of school!?" He thought to himself as he sat down on the bus stop bench. Taehyung glanced down at his watch, it was 5:25, the bus was late. Taehyung could see himself becoming redder and redder in the reflection of the glass. Just before Taehyung had decided to walk to school the bus comes screeching round the corner. Taehyung slowly made his way to the back of the bus. Not wanting to sit right at the back, he positioned himself on the row just before because he was frightened that a group a bullies would beat his ass for sitting in there seat. Just as Taehyung was inserting his earphones in, a loud group of six boys come barging there way onto the bus. Well MOST of them were loud, all except one. He had his head hung low, partially covered by a beanie (even though that was against the school policy) and a lighter in one hand. The boys sat right at the back of the bus, as he expected. But there was only five seats at the back. Where was the sixth going to sit? Right next to him, of course. He was expecting one of the rowdy ones to sit next to Him but no, it was the quiet one, the one that looked out of place in that group, just like Taehyung did all those years.

"Hello! My name is Taehyung, what is your name?" The boy just sat there awkwardly staring at his lighter. "Do you smoke?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity. "NO!" The boy snapped. "I uh...I just like fire." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Oh, thats cool.. so anyway what's your name?" Taehyung waved his hand in the boy's face. "Its Yoongi...." Taehyung was quick to respond "Wow! Yoongi! That's an awesome name!" The boy just blushed.

Before he knew it, Taehyung was sitting in a crowd of people. Taehyung suddenly became extremely nervous when he came to the realisation that the principle was calling all the new students up one-by-one and making them introduce themselves in front of about 350 people. "Kim Taehyung." His heart was in his mouth as he fought his way through the crowd of people and almost trips as he makes his way to the stage. Taehyung just stood there awkwardly smiling hoping no one while laugh at him. The principle just had to go and make things worse by saying "So? Are you going to introduce yourself then?" The whole crowd just bursts in to laughter. Except from one, it was Yoongi. He looked at him as if to say "Get off stage, now." So he did exactly that.

It was time for Taehyung to go to his first lesson, Physics. Completely lost and confused, Taehyung franticly searches for Yoongi, the only one he knew in this school. Quite literally. He ran up and down the stairs checking each floor for Yoongi, he was no where to be found. Until, he arrived at the top floor and sees Yoongi about to walk into his classroom. " Yoongi..ah...where is Physics?" Taehyung bends down and leans on his knees. Yoongi shouts across the hall. "Hurry up then!" He practically sprints down the hall just before the door shuts in his face. Suddenly, he is facing another crowd of people all giggling. Taehyung blushes before he makes his way over to the teacher. "I..uhh..I..am..new.." The teachers face lit up. "Oh! Is there any one you would like to sit next to?" Taehyung scans the room before finding Yoongi sitting at the back of the classroom with his earphones in. "Uhh...yeah actually....I would like to sit next to Yoongi." The teacher nearly choked on air. "Min Yoongi!? Your crazy! Uhh... I mean... go ahead...but be careful." Taehyung walks up the steps passing by all the giggling students and sits next to Yoongi. All Yoongi does is glance at Taehyung, smile and look back out the window. "Yoongi...are you gay?" Taehyung blurted out of nowhere. Yoongi immediately pulls out his earphones, grabs Taehyung by the ear and whispers. "Taehyung, there is a time and a place. We'll talk about this later.

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