Can't wait

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That night Taehyung couldn't sleep because he wanted to know the answer to his question. If Yoongi was gay or not.... Taehyung wasn't gay, its just that if he was going to makes some good friends he might as well get deep and personal. Taehyung kept thinking to himself, "What if Yoongi is gay and what if he like ME, omg what to do what to do." Even though Taehyung thought he couldn't sleep, his brain was frazzled from the first day at school and his body just shut down. Since he was so exited, Taehyung woke up before his alarm went off. It was 4:50, he had 30 minutes before he had to be out the door. Still, he rushed around like he had to leave in thirty seconds, he didn't even have breakfast. He sprinted to the bus stop (got to go fast XD) and he checked the time, its was 5:20. It was so early yet time flew by so quickly. Before he knew the bus had arrived and he was sitting in his usual spot. It was quite strange since Yoongi hadn't arrived yet. Taehyung was worried. Just as the bus was going to close its doors, Yoongi just casually walks onto the bus like nothing happened and sat next to Taehyung. "Yah! Yoongi your late! Anyway, I want an answer to my question." Yoongi gives him and evil glare. "I said we will talk about this later." Taehyung started getting impatient "Well when is this 'later' you just keep putting it off!" Yoongi completely ignores him.

*At lunch*

Taehyung is yet again searching for Yoongi, wondering where the hell he likes to hang out. He spots the group of boys Yoongi normally hangs out with and approaches them. "Excuse me, do you happen to know where Yoongi hangs out at lunch?" One of the boys perks up. "Well, it would be nice if you introduced yourself first." Taehyung blushes. "Oh yeah...uh..I'm Taehyung." (smooth, real smooth) "Well nice to meet you Taehyung. This is Jin, this is Namjoon, this is Hoseok, this is Jimin and I'm Jungkook." Taehyung is confused on how many names he now has to remember. "Yoongi sits over there by the tree outside." Taehyung glances out the widow and spots Yoongi. "Thank you."

Taehyung opens the double doors and walks onto the grass and towards the huge oak tree. Yoongi is just sitting there and writing lyrics in his notebook and lighting grass on fire with his 'beloved' lighter. "Yoongi, you know that is dangerous." Yoongi glances up and stares Taehyung straight in the eyes. "I don't give a shit." Taehyung goes beet red. "Excuse me!?" Yoongi smirks. "You heard me, I don't give a shit." Taehyung's face fills with anger. "Well I do." Taehyung storms off towards the double doors before he hears Yoongi call for him. "Taehyung come back and sit with me!" Taehyung's tone turns sour. "Only if you get rid of that fucking lighter! Why do you need it anyway!? Are you some sort of pyrotechnic maniac!?"

Taehyung spots that Yoongi's cheeks drown in tears as he run back into the school. A wave of embarrassment as he sees those boys shaking their heads at them. Taehyung messed up big time. He just stands there in complete guilt just wanting to curl up in to a ball and cry. Taehyung walked up to Jungkook and the boys, sits down on the bench, puts his head on the table and cries. "Taehyung? What's wrong?" Hoseok says curiously. "I-I just-uh-" Taehyung just bursts into tears and runs to the nearest bathroom. The bathroom is empty, perfect, now he can sit in a cubicle and cry. Suddenly, Taehyung hears a faint cry from the cubicle next to him, he knows it is Yoongi, so he decides to put on a different voice and ask some questions. "Uh-Hello?" He says in a high voice. "Are you okay?" Yoongi immediately stops sobbing. "Are you a girl!?" Taehyung's brain scatters to find a decent reply. "No! I just have a really high voice!" Yoongi chuckles to him self. "What is your name?" Taehyung's heart drops, he doesn't know what to say. "Mike..." By this time Yoongi already knows its Taehyung, so he decides to play some tricks on Taehyung. "Mike huh? I haven't heard of you around here. Are you new?" Sweat begins to form at the base of Taehyung's head. "Uh...yeah..I'm new.." Taehyung quickly changes the subject. "So, why where you crying?" 

"Because of this kid called Taehyung, who hates the fact that I always carry a lighter around with me." Taehyung starts to get curious. "Why do you carry around a lighter anyway?" Yoongi gets slightly agitated. "Its for comfort......and the fact I'm suicidal..." Taehyung quickly brakes character. "WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN SUICIDAL! YOONGI! YOU MUST BE CRAZY!" Yoongi won, like he always does. "Ah-hah! I knew it was you Taehyung!" Taehyung's stomach twists and turns. "But...why did you say you were suicidal?!" 

 "Oh, just so I could catch you off guard." Taehyung feels like a fool. "'re not actually suicidal, are you?" Yoongi doesn't know whether to tell the truth or not. "No, no I'm not," Taehyung sighs with relief. "Ok!" Taehyung bounds out of the bathroom and into the hallway, leaving Yoongi behind. "Stupid and naive , that is what Taehyung is, that is why I love him."

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