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Casey your average type of girl.
Not a Nerd
Not a Slut
Not a sterotypical Bad Girl
But she's like those extras you see in the movie, nothing extremely important, just someone who watches the drama but is never in it.

Then there's Mason
The type of boy who's the main attraction in your school. The boy who will never get caught after all the Pranks he does. If you haven't been pranked by him you've been hiding really well. The boy who probably stole most girls virginity in your school. The boy who never commits to any relationship. The baddest boy around.

When Casey joins Westfield High it's her turn to be the centre of Mason's next prank. It doesn't get as funny as Mason thought it would be....
Sorry for this terrible introduction but don't expect any updates or even bother reading this cos i doubt it'll get better any sooner. But thank you for wasting you precious time to read this intro which should just be called "a piece of shit"

So yeah I guess

Saf xx

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