1- Smiles.

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I groaned waking up. I looked over at my alarm clock, "7:00" I said as I got up slowly. Today is my first day at a new high school. North Way High.

My mom and I just moved to a new town because my dad and her had got divorced, and she thought a new start would be good for us.

I walked over to the mirror and seen that my hair was still up from yesterday so now it's a very messy bun. My eyes looked tired. I've been very upset about my parents lately, but I'll get over it.

I removed my clothes and turned on a warm shower, I got into the tub and stood there, letting the slightly hot water run down my skin.  When I was done I got out and put my hair in a ponytail. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my closet. I wondered through my clothes, picking out a Nirvana shirt and some blue jeans, I put them on and then slipped on some black vans.

I looked for my makeup and started putting on a little bit of eye liner and mascara and walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and mom was standing at the stove cooking pancakes.

"Good Morning mom." I smiled at her and she smiled back, "Good morning, love bug. Want some Pancakes?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure, but can you please put mine in the microwave. We need to go."  I said grabbing my bag and jacket. She cut the stove off, putting the pancakes in a plate and sitting them inside of the microwave.

She grabbed her car keys and we walked out to her car. She drove a blue Honda Civic, it was brand new because dad had her old car. We both got into the car and she started it up. I looked over at her and she smiled. She was such a beautiful woman. She had a pearly white smile and big blue eyes, just like me. She had long blonde hair and such a personality.

"You gonna be okay today?" She asked pulling out of the driveway and driving down the road. I smiled at the window and looked over at her, "Of course. If I need to, I'll call." I said, making sure she knew I was going to be fine. She worried a lot.

She nodded her head, and we pulled into the schools parking lot. I didn't live that far from it. I sighed looking at all of the teenagers crowding around each other. Everyone has their own friends. They've all figured out who they belong to. And there's me... The new girl.

I had friends in my old high school. They were great, and I'm still in touch with them.

"Excuse me." A small framed girl said. I moved out of her way and she smiled at me. She was very skinny in size but she was maybe an inch taller than I. She looked at me and her brown eyes studied me. "Are you new?" She asked, looking at my shoes, and up to my shirt, studying the way I presented myself.

I nodded, smiling at her. She smiled back and stretched out her hand to me, "I'm Taylor!" She smiled. I laughed a little a grabbed her hand to shake it, "And I'm Samantha."

She looked around, flipping her straight light brown hair. "Do you want me to help you around the school?" She asked. I nodded, "Sure."

We both entered the school and she walked me to the office. "We need to get your schedule and locker number stuff." She said. I nodded and we walked to the front desk.

There was an older looking woman there. She had white hair and light make up over her green eyes, "Hello. How may I help you?" She asked. Her voice was kind and sweet. "Yes, I'm Samantha Lawson. I'm new." I smiled at her and she nodded, "Ah yes, hold on." She shuffled through some papers and handed me my schedule with also had my locker and combination on it. Then she handed me my textbooks. I smiled. "Thank you."

We searched for my locker and I opened it, and placed the textbooks except my algebra book inside of it. "Bummer. I don't have Algebra." Taylor moaned. I giggled a little bit. "But you're so lucky because the hottest, baddest and most popular guy has algebra with you. Ah.. Tristan Oliver." She looked over like a stereotypical lover girl. I smiled. "That's cool."

She looked at me in shock, "It's amazing!" She exclaimed and I giggled. "Okay. Well the bell is about to ring so, where's algebra?" I asked her when I guy walked up to us. He was large. You could see his defined muscles through his shirt. He wore a leather jacket over it. He was wearing baggy jeans and some black vans. His dark hair was scrunched up to his head and the tips were slightly pointed with gel.

Taylor looked at him, "I'll walk you to algebra." He smiled a shiny, perfectly straight smile at me. I smiled at him and the looked at Taylor, she nodded like a mad man and I giggled. "Sure.." I trailed off because I was nervous. He only said 5 words and made me melt. He was handsome, so handsome. My heart dropped, but.. I didn't like the feeling so I shook it off.

I smiled at Taylor, "Bye. See you later." I waved and she waved back, walking off. The large boy standing beside me smiled down at me. He was much taller than I. "I'm Tristan." He said smirking down at me. I looked up at him, his green eyes stared at me like he was very interested in something. "I'm Samantha. I'm ne-" I started to say but he interrupted me. "I know." He said plainly and began walking as I followed him.

He put his hands in his pockets and kept looking at me. I kept my head down because I knew he was staring at me. The halls were cleared. It was only him and I so it was awkward. He cleared his throat. "Tell me about yourself." He said. I looked up at him and looked down. "There's nothing to tell." I said.

He shook his head, "There's always something to tell, it's obvious that something happened in your life that's made you sad." He smiled at me, "but it's okay. You don't have to."

To: good girl, From: bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now