4- Blur

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After meeting Jason we walked to the bar. I stood there as Taylor ordered a drink. She looked at me and laughed, "Don't drink?" She asked and I shook my head. "No." She shook her head back, "Come on. Just one. Try it." She pushed her drink to me and I looked at it. I mean.. I was at a party.

It was only one so I pick it up and drank some. It burned. The substance stung my throat all the way down until it hit my stomach. But it felt.. Good.

After a while of standing at the bar drinking, Taylor walked away to talk to some guy.

I sat on a stool and put my head down. It started to hurt a little bit, I had like 3 cups of what Taylor had given me. I felt a large hand slowly lay on my back. I looked up and slurred out, "Get off of me!" And after that.. It was a blur.

I put my hand on a girls back to see if she's okay. She looked up at me with beautiful eyes, "Get off of me!" She slurred. Great. She got drunk.

I sighed and looked at the clock, 10:40. Damn time flew by fast. I sighed as I looked back down at her and seen that she was passed out.

I picked her up, I looked at Jason as he made out with some girl. I groaned in disgust. I just feel like that's disgusting after I met Samantha. She's so beautiful and so different than any other girl.

Usually I'd leave a girl drunk laying at a bar but her? No. I wanted to make sure she was safe. I liked her.. Ugh what am I saying? I've only known her for a day.

I walked outside and walked to my car. I opened the passenger side and put her in it. I gently closed the door and walked to the driver side. "Fuck." I whispered because I didn't know where she lived. I shook her to try to wake her to ask, but she just groaned and stayed asleep.

I decided to drive her to my house, since I'm rich and live alone. Sadly. But I don't really care that much, I'm always alone. Ever since my parents died.

I started up the car and drove out of the driveway and to my house. The car ride was awkward. I just met this girl today and I'm technically saving her from being raped or something.

I pulled into my driveway and as soon as I stopped the car she covered her mouth, "Oh, no no no. Open the door!" I yelled and reached over, but it was too late. She puked all over my beautiful Mustang.

"FUCK." I cussed and got out, I opened her door and picked her up. Puke covered her dress and I nearly puked myself.

I carried her up to the door of my mansion and rang the doorbell. My maid, Linda opened the door and gasped. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. (I said I lived alone as in family- maids don't count.) I walked to my guest bedroom and put her down. I looked at her dress.

I didn't want her sleeping in that, but it'd be awkward if she woke up, in my house, in new clothes. So, I asked Linda to change her in one of my shirts and basketball shorts.

I then walked into my room and texted Taylor to tell her what happened. She said she was going to come by tomorrow morning and pick her up.

After that, I fell asleep.

To: good girl, From: bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now