The Curse of Willow Manor

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My name is Taylor Levine, I live in a small town named Russellville. Its in Missouri, about a 3 hour drive from St.Louis. I live here with my best friend Tiler, we have known each other since the 6th grade and we have practically been like sisters ever since then. We originally lived in Indiana, but after we graduated, we decided to move to a much quieter environment. When we moved here, we started out living in our van, we had nothing, but soon after that we began working at an animal shelter and that is where we found our two new additional family members, Luna and Sky. Luna is a small grey tabby cat, but she isn't just some ordinary cat, she is missing her front left leg. When she was just a kitten she was attacked by some much bigger dogs and was nearly killed. When the owners of the dogs found her, they rushed her to the animal shelter and they fixed her up. Sadly her left front leg was too demolished to be mended so they had to amputate it. The first time I laid eyes on Luna, I fell in love with her light blue eyes, they matched mine, as light as a bright blue sky on a sunny day. We immediately had a connection, so I decided to adopt her and ever since then Luna and I have been inseparable. Sky is a German Shepard, more of a light brown kind, she has a beautiful strong structure and sweet brown eyes with a tint of green. Her personality is great, she is sweet and loving and she is Tiler's pride and joy. They have a very unique bond, they speak to each other just through a look. Also while working at the animal shelter, we earned just enough money for a small apartment, big enough for the four of us. We are finally free adults.

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