Chapter Two

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The kiss felt wrong. I loved him. I love him. I love him more than anything. But kissing him was wrong. I broke up with Cole mostly because I still was in love with Dalton. And there should be nothing wrong with kissing him because I didn't have a boyfriend and to my knowledge he didn't have a girlfriend. But it wasn't okay to kiss him when it wasn't going to be anything. I wanted to be with him, but I couldn't do this. We weren't together, it didn't seem like we were getting back together, and it was wrong.

We were still kissing. He pulled away and he was smiling and I was smiling too, even though it was wrong I had to pretend nothing was wrong.

"So what do you want to do? I can stay and hang out."

"Don't you have to fly out to LA for Idol? You made it in the top ten and shouldn't you be there you know singing?"

"I mean yeah, but our next filming day is in four days and I can skip a day of rehearsals . I'd much rather be here spending time with my girl. "

"That's the sweetest thing ever, but don't stay because of me, Rapattoni. Go and do Idol and when you come back I'll be here. "

"I wish you could come with me. "

"When I get better, I will come to LA and watch the show. "

"Okay, I'll take that deal. "

"When's your flight?"

"It's not for another four hours. "

"Did you pack?"



"I know I should've but today was our day and I didn't want to ruin it."

"You wouldn't have. Go home and pack I'll call you later. "

"You're right. I know you are. I'll go. Bye."


And then he kissed me goodbye, but this kiss lasted longer than expected. And that time I let myself kiss him back without feeling bad. Even though it was bad.

"Dalton." I mumbled as we kissed

"Hm?" His shirt was already gone and mine was slowly coming off


No response. I managed to pull away.

"Dalton you have to go now. " I said

"You're right. I'll go. I'll go. " He kissed me softly again but once again I had to pull away.

"Dalton, go." I said pushing him off of me gently. He got off of my bed.

"I'm going I'm going. I'll call you okay?"

"Okay, Rapattoni. "

He headed out the door after dressing up again and headed for the stairs.

"I love you!" He yelled.

"I love you too!" I yelled back before sighing quietly. I heard him go down the stairs, say goodbye to my mother and leave. I went underneath my blanket and tried to go to sleep.

After awhile of trying to sleep I screamed out of frustration. My mom came to my room.

"Charlie, is everything okay? I heard you scream."

"I'm fine Mom. There's just a lot on my mind."

She sat on my bed.

"Is this about Dalton?"


"Just tell me Charlie."

I sat up to face her.


"What happened?"

"That's the thing I don't know! He still loves me, that's great. I broke up with Cole and Dalton kissed me, that's more great. We're finally spending time together and we're acting like a couple, but we're not a couple and that's upsetting me. And it upsets me more that we keep kissing because I feel like by me allowing him to kiss me I'm leading him on. "

"You're not back together?"

"No we are not."

"But you kissed and were holding hands in the car?"

"I know. I want to be with him Mom but I don't think we can ever go back to how things were. "

"Then don't."


"Maybe you can't go back to the exact relationship that you had because he cheated on you and you were hurt. But before that you still loved each other and you still did things together. So if you get back together this relationship clock doesn't reset, it un-pauses. And your relationship will have to have more communication, but you still will love each other and want to be together. "

"I don't know if he wants to be with me."

"Well he obviously wants to be with you if he keeps kissing you like so and holding your hand he wants to be with you."

"Then why hasn't he asked me yet"

"Maybe he's scared. He's probably under a lot of pressure right now. It's the love of his life waking up from a two month coma, making it in the top ten for American Idol, his band is debating if they will stay together or not. I'm telling you he wants to be with you. He just hasn't asked you to be with him yet. "

"When should I stop waiting? I can't wait forever if he won't ask. And I'm too scared to ask him. "

"Wait a while. But don't wait too long. And you know what?"


"I wanted to tell you with Dalton here, but telling you now makes it more special. As soon as your cast comes off which is actually tomorrow, you are flying out to LA with Mrs. Rapattoni. He's expecting his mother, but not you. At least now. I'll tell Kiva not to tell him so you can surprise him. "

"Really?!" I was ecstatic

"Yes. Your uncle dropped off your passport earlier. Your dad payed for your ticket and tomorrow I'll bring you to the mall to get some new clothes. For some reason people kept sending money to our family while you were in the hospital along with many gifts."

"And you accepted them?"

"Of course I did."


"I didn't accept them for me, they were all mostly support money from your grandparents on your dad's side along with mine. And then obviously the what seemed like thousands of roses that built up from Dalton sending them to your hospital room every day. I'm spending it on you so you should be happy."

I hugged her.

"Thanks mom. I'm so excited!"

My mom hugged back before saying you're welcome and leaving my room. I finally was able to go to sleep knowing that I'd get to see Dalton in a matter of days, and that it was actually possible for us to get back together.

Basically I never thought I'd write a sequel. But I am. Also Charlie's looks are Emily Rudd's looks.

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