CH 2: New School

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Lyrics P.O.V

I didn't say much the rest of the day, just sat their in silince like how john wanted me to do in the biggining. I figured talking was useless anyways. I'd just speak if I have to. I was so cought up in my self confusion that I didn't even notice a group of girls talking about me behind me. "I heard that her real father wanted to die on purpose" I could feel my eyes go wide in shock as I remembered the day my parents were slaughtered. I grabbed my stuff and sat up and walked out as quickly as I could. As I hit the hallway I was headed to the bathroom and the tears were flowing freely without control. I felt eyes on me again but they felt different then last time, almost as if they had a pitty type of feeling. I devoted to ignore it and hid in the bathroom the rest of 6th pierod.
Reese's P.O.V

Waking up in the morning is the worse thing ever besides the ocasinal deaths of a loved one in the pack house and the worthless ragues.
I got out of bed and took a shower, after I finished my business I got dressed in my black jeans and Korn band T-shirt. (Don't judge I happen to like some of them amazing oldie rock bands.) I headed down stairs to make some toast before I headed to school.
"Good morning son" I leaned over and kissed my mothers cheek "good morning mother" I grabbed my toast and was about to head out the door when my father called my name. I walked over to my father and nodes my head in approval "yes father?"
"There is a girl named lyric who will be attendending your school starting today, watch over her ok." I nodded again and walked to my car.
I parked in the school parking lot and opened my door to the most amazing smell ever. Black berries and coconut with a small hint of forest. It was mouth watering. "It must be the new girl" I wisped to my self. "Hey dude!" Kenneith my soon to be beta walked up to me. "Sup man" I was looking around the parking lot and spotted a girl on the bench by the gym listening to music, she was beautiful girl i have ever seen. No, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I must of been staring at her for a long time because she looked up and was looking around. "Yo Reese, You ok?" I looked at him confused "ya why wouldnt I be?" "Well you been staring over in that direction for the last 5 minutes. I shook my head really fast and brushed it off. I leaned against my car and waited for josh my soon to be thired in command. She had to be her, she has to be my mate, I need to get closer. Take care of her let nothing bad happen to her. My fathers words kept replaying in my head. If lyric is my mate, then she will always be safe.
The bell rang and it was time to head into school. My mind was stuck on the most beautiful face and I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her purple lavender eyes and her silky hair, but something was off. She didn't look happy like everyone els. I want to fix that. I walked to my first period class and was a little hurt that she wasn't in my class.
I'll have to make sure I'm in at least most of them. I don't want to make it look like I'm stalking her.
It was about 16 minutes into 6th period and I had yet to see her in any of my classes, I was headed to the office to have my scedual changed when her smell hit me again. She was in history and again looked a little off, "I heard her father purposefully wanted to be killed" a girl named Amanda said. A small growl erupted in my throat and lyric sat up and was headed to leave so I ran down the hall really fast so she couldn't sens me. I watched he sped walk down the hall twords the bathroom and she was fast I might add. I wanted her as she was escaping and she looked back the tears running down her cheeks made my heart break and I wanted to run up to her and hug her tight assuring her that everything was going to be ok. But I let her go.
Lyrics P.O.V

I looked back to see if I could find the person watching me but gave up, I ran into the bathroom into the farthest stall the tear just wouldn't stop. It wasn't on his intention to get killed. It was my fualt I'm what they wanted and I got both mother, father, and brother killed. Its all my fault. I tried to breath, but I couldn't my sobs were getting harder and the tears were burning my eyes. I needed to get myself together but I couldn't I was letting everything out from the last week and it was hard to get over everything. I have never let someone see my cry before, except a couple times when I first arrived and this pack."g- get together lyric" I was mentally punching myself over and over trying to make the pain go away. I wanted to scream but I couldn't... I couldn't breath. I need help, but I can't get any. First day of school and I'm already breaking.
Reese's P.O.V

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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