Chapter 13

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As a cool draft blew through the dingy room Hermione blearily attempted to open her eyes but was only met by a continuing darkness. Her breathing quickened as confusion filled her mind but she stilled, willing herself to think

“Wait. Think Hermione. Don’t Panic. What happened?” She took a deep breath and blew it out again to calm herself. A method she usually used before an exam, but this situation was a bit different.

‘Oh, right.’ Now she remembered; ‘Severus, I was protecting Severus. Great job I did there then.’ She humphed, annoyed at her inability to her. ‘So after I saw Goyle’s meaty chunk of a fist advancing toward my face, I was knocked unconscious.’ She concluded in an almost militaristic fashion.

Once her hands had stilled their shaking, she reached up to her head exploring for any injuries and found her wild hair matted with blood. ‘Hmmm, been out for a while then.’ She observed. After discovering and carefully analysing the gash on her skull her hand travelled down and began to explore the damage that the ugly brute’s fist had done to her face. She was met by more dried blood at the end of her nose, but to her relief found that it did not feel broken. She blew out another breath she didn’t know she was holding but then sucked it back in when a splash of light appeared at the end of the darkness and a dark shadow hissed “Ah, so you’re finally awake. I think we shall have a nice little chat. Malfoy, escort our guest to the… special room please.”

Eeeeeee! Nice little cliffie for you there. Sorry it’s been a while, I really have no excuses. So I’m going to Leakycon in two days and I’M VERY EXCITED! Hope you’re all having a good summer or whatever season it is wherever you are. And hey Alex if you’re reading J X

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