Part 2~ Bonehead

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A/N: In this story, Frisk is a female (and is older for the sake of Frisk x Sans) because that's what I assumed when I played Undertale. I hope this is ok!

Please review if you read, positive or constructive feedback only.


'Listen hear you bonehead, you can practice your puns for when we see mum tomorrow. Right now, we're behind schedule and we are going to be on time.' Frisk said while pulling on her shoes frantically. Sans loitered in the doorway laughing.

'Hey, no fair. I'm not the one who couldn't put the book down.' He mused. 'I thought you liked my puns, have I been mistaken?' Frisk giggled at the question.

'Of course I do! Just not when your brother's passionate boyfriend is going to do to us what was done to Undyne.' The pair shuddered in recollection.

'I don't have the guts to face that again.' Sans replied solemnly. 'Get it? Because I literally don't have guts.'

Sans laughed his way out of their apartment.

Frisk cried with exasperation.

~Time skip~

Sans didn't want to move too far away from his brother when they all went their separate ways. Although he knew he was capable of taking care of himself, and Mettaton, he still wanted to keep an eye socket out for him. Frisk thought that he worried too much but he always shrugged off her concern. It was better to fret than be oblivious if something were to happen.

Needless to say, the walk to their house wasn't far but they still managed to be late.

'Sans, look! Undyne and Alphys are late too. We're saved!' Sans laughed at his girlfriend and followed her. Frisk called them over whilst waving, though not too loud in case Mettaton were to hear. The couple sighed in relief at the sight of their human friend.

'My favourite human! How're you doing Frisk?' Undyne grinned and gave Frisk a hug.

'I'm great thanks. Looks like we made it on time, no more punishments for us!' The group nodded in solace.

'Traffic?' Alphys said lightly.

'Traffic.' Everyone agreed.

They heard shuffling and a slight whirring sound. Everyone froze.

'DARLINGS!' Mettaton swung open the door and extended his leg out dramatically before walking towards the panic stricken group. He seized Alphys in his arms and swung her around. 'Dr Alphys! How glad am I to see my technical mother? That's right, insanely glad!'

'He's definitely insane.' Sans muttered to Frisk who was struggling to stifle her laughter. She elbowed her boyfriend in the side but only got a throbbing pain in return.

'Right now, break it up. This is my girl and you've had enough touching time.' Undyne said, picking up a boulder which was conveniently placed and then put it back down hesitantly. Alphys blushed and muttered quietly. Mettaton laughed and threw Alphys at Undyne.

'He's not the only insane one.' Frisk whispered to Sans, who chuckled.

'Anyway.' Mettaton crossed his arms, and legs. 'Have you seen what time it is?' Undyne flinched and everyone took a step back warily.

'Y-you see, the thing is...' Alphys laughed awkwardly. 'The traffic was really bad, and we got held up... you see?' Mettaton rolled his eyes at her pathetic excuse. Before he could comment though, Papyrus appeared at the door, grinning.

'Everyone's here at last! How are-' He broke off when a warm body bombarded into him. Papyrus laughed and hugged Frisk in return.

'Hello, frisky human.' He smiled warmly at her. Frisk mumbled something unintelligible into his chest and then grabbed Sans' hand and pulled him inside. Mettaton smiled at Papyrus, he blushed lightly. He wouldn't change these nights for anything. When the world seemed careless and free and despite each other's differences, the love they all shared was beautiful and warm. Papyrus returned the smile and wrapped an arm around Mettaton's waist. Beautiful and warm.

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