Chapter 11

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I took my science books out of my cluttered locker and shut it closed.

I turned around, facing a girl I've never seen.


She had brown curly hair (kind of like Madison Pettis' hair, but lighter), and big dark brown eyes hidden behind her glasses.


"Hi! My name is Ahdry and I'm new to this school." she gave me a friendly smile.

"Uh, hi. I'm Rose." I said quietly. I haven't talked to people for quite a while.

"I was just wondering, could you help me out around school?" she asked, giving me a hopeful look, her eyes widening a bit.

How could I say no?

"S-sure." I smiled a bit.

"Do you know where Mrs.Johnson's writing class is?" she asked.

"Uh... It's to the right of this hallway, the first door to the left, I think." I told her, pointing in the right direction.

"Thank you!" she told me, scurrying in that direction.

I checked the time on my watch.

I had two minutes to get to my next class.

"Shit." I muttered to myself.

I was about to hurry away, when I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned, coming face to face with the guy that has caused me so much pain lately.


"Rose.." he whispered, lightly touching my arm, causing goosebumps to appear.

"I don't want to talk to you." I looked down at the ground, and tried backing away. His grip on my arm got a bit tighter, so I couldn't move.

"I need to talk to you. Really, really badly." his eyes locked with mine for a split second. I could see the hurt in them.

"No thanks." I tried backing away more, but his grip just got tighter.

I winced, he had his grip on my fresh cuts.

He looked down at my arm, and then his hand.

Realizing what he was doing, he quickly let go.

I turned around, getting ready to leave to my class when I heard his deep voice once again.

"I'm so, so sorry Georgia. Rose. P-please forgive me. I... I feel like such a horrible person. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he whispered. I turned around, locking my eyes with his.

A tear ran down his beautiful face, guilt written all over him.

"Please come. Come with me. I need to explain... I need to explain everything." he said, his green eyes never leaving mine.

"Fine." I said and walked out of school.

I wasn't just going to forgive him like that.

I just wanted to know why he did what he did.

I just needed to know why he had changed.


Sorry it's so short and poorly written... I needed to update because I haven't updated in days.

Sorry about that too.

Anyways, I'm also sorry to the people who didn't get their names picked.

It was a little contest of luck. But, don't worry! I'm probably going to make more contests for things like that.


I'll update later.

And, there will be more of Ahdry in the next chapters :)


Questions of the chapter (qotc):

Why do you think Marcel changed so much?


Why do you think he was so horrible to Rose?


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