Chapter 11

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"Minseok, we got a problem." One of the boys entered the room in a hurry. 

I remember the tall, brown-haired boy as Kai, but I wasn't completely sure. He wasn't around as much as the other boys. 

"Huh?" Xiumin's eyes darted towards the boy who paced back and forth in front of us all in the living room.

"They know, someone snitched on us." He blurred out, trying to catch his breath. You could tell he had been running to get back to the house as fast as possible.

"Calm down, Jongin." Xiumin placed his hands on my hips and gently moved me away from his lap which he had pretty much forced me to sit on.

Xiumin got up from the couch and walked towards Jongin, asking him to repeat what he said. Jongin's eyes flickered at the people in the room and he hesitated once he found us girl being in the room. He whispered something in Xiumin's ear which made his eyes grow in shock as he gave a small nod towards the kitchen and soon they both left the room to talk in private.

"What was that about?" Chen asked, confusion could be heard in his voice as he looked at the door leading to the kitchen.

"Maybe we should go find out." Kyungsoo mumbled and got up from the couch, but he didn't get far because as soon as he stood up Chen grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"No, Minseok will explain everything once he has a clear idea of what's going on." Chen leant back in his seat as he tried to wait patiently for the boys to return and explain the situation. 

"Maybe it's not even a big deal." Chanyeol said out of the blue, making all of us turn our heads towards him.

"Jongin came running home saying someone snitched on us and that some people know. That clearly implies that something is wrong, you idiot." Chen rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I swear these bitches make you so soft." 

"Shut up." Chanyeol growled back and snaked his arms around Hyejin's waist. 

"You shut it, you're making no sense anyway." 

"Boys, please. Both of you shut your damn mouths, you're breaking the comfortable silence." Kyungsoo made the room go quiet. 

"Why are you home anyway, Chanyeol?" Chen broke the silence as his eyes shot a glare towards the couple sitting on the other side of the room. "You have a job to do."

"Shit..!" Chanyeol pretty much stood up immediately, letting Hyejin fall off his lap and land on the couch with her face first. "I forgot, fuck!"

"See? This is what happens when you get way too attached to fucking girls." Chen stood up and walked up to Chanyeol and before anyone could stop him he had his friend pressed up against the wall.

We all looked at the two boys with big eyes. Chen looked pissed as his hands had a tight grip around the collar of Chanyeol's shirt and looked at him with a glare.

"I swear Chanyeol, if I catch you one more time not doing your fucking job because of that slut distracting you it's not you who's getting it, but her." He threatened before giving Chanyeol a hard push backwards so he hit the wall with a loud groan.

I was speechless as I watched Chen leave the room angrily. Chen seem like such an calm boy, pretty much like he couldn't hurt a fly. But yet there he was, pushing a boy into the wall who was both taller and more muscular. I noticed how a shiver goes down my spine as I imagine the things Chen is possible to do now. 

"Take a picture, it last longer." Kyungsoo cooed into my ear, making me freeze due the surprise. "But then again, don't do it because if Minseok find picture of other boys in your phone you're a dead woman." He added with a chuckle as he leant back again.

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