Chapter 17

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Xiumin's POV

"So we're just going to act like we never left?" Jongdae raised an eyebrow in disbelief as we headed towards the exit.

"I suppose." I shrugged to answer his question.

"I know that we need to start but don't you think people will start talking? And once they do the cops will catch something and bam; we're behind bars sharing a cell with Luhan."

"Don't fucking bring Luhan into this." I shot a glare at him. "We're not going to fucking jail, relax."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You're being so fucking negative and weird lately, what's up with you? We've been ruling this gang together for so long and never have you referred a chance to keep our business going as something bad. It used to be you who came up with these solutions."

Jongdae scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before his eyes left me and instead focused, once again, on the girls we were walking past. He wasn't much of a talker when it came to serious business but outside work it was hard to make him shut. I decided to go with his option and drop the discussion since we didn't get anywhere with it anyway.

"Let's stay for a while, Minseok." Jongdae said from behind me, just as I was about to take the last few steps towards the door that lead out of the club.

"Why?" I turned around to see him taking a seat on one of the couches.

"Why? Is that even a question?" He looked a bit surprised by my reply as he clapped his hands together. "Look around for fuck sakes, we used to love this place."

"I just think we have better stuff to do than fucking girls right now."

"Who are you and what have you done to Minseok?" Jongdae looked even more confused, not sure why I was even thinking about leaving this place.

"I'm just-" I started but Jongdae raised his hands and hushed me while he shook his head.

"Yeona is making you so soft, it's horrible to witness." He spat out in disgust. I felt how the blood that ran through my veins started to boil at him words. Would a girl, a plain, ordinary girl, change me? Pfft. Wouldn't think so.

"I'm not fucking soft, what the hell is wrong with you?" I almost laughed at the idea of me sticking to only one girl.

"Then prove me wrong." Jongdae replied and as he did a smirk grew up on his lips as his eyes darted towards the girl with the wings who had spoken to me earlier.

"Really? Now?" I frowned, not really in the mood. For some reason I just wanted to get home as fast as possible to check if Yeona is alright. I mean Sehun was there with her and you never know what he is up too. It was so obvious that he was attracted to her that I just wanted to punch him in that smirking face of his.

"Now. Prove me that you're still the guy who give zero fucks about girls and their feelings." The smirk on Jongdae's lips just kept growing, something that for some reason annoyed me. This whole situation was actually pretty annoying, I didn't want to go fuck some random girl.

"Fine." I spat out in defeat and anger. I ran a hand through my hair before I walked towards the girl.

She saw me approach her which made her smile in victory, almost like she knew that she would get me in the end. I stop right in front of her and her thin lips formed a satisfied smile.

"I knew you'd change your mind." She purred into my ear which only made me roll my eyes, she was lucky that Jongdae was in the mood of fucking around with me right now because if not I'd be halfway home by now.

On The Run // Xiumin [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now