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~ Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/hello/set?id=92368640&lid=2796424 ~

~ Set in October ~

"Rose! I'm so glad I caught you before you left! Sorry to have to spring this on you, but can you deliver these to the Downtown office tonight? I'm absolutely swamped and no one else is here!" My boss, Anne, asked. I could see the pleading look in her eyes, and after letting me leave work early 3 days in a row I couldn't deny her the simple task.

"Of course I will!" I replied, taking the papers out of her hands and scanning the pages over once or twice. The words written on the page meant nothing to me, they weren't my stories, or my words that had been written, but they were the same combination of 26 letters that I used to write everyday. Her sentances were of much higher quality then mine and I could see now why everyone in the firm envied her writing skills. She was what I aspired to be.

Working for an independant newspaper had it's perks. I got to come in to work Monday to Friday, starting at nine in the morning and going home at around five in the afternoon. Most of the time I went home around three, when my work was finished and nobody needed my help. I didn't write breaking news headlines, I wrote the entertainment news. What celebrities were coming to town, what the style was, I was nothing special. If things headed south for the company I'd be the first to be fired, but Anne liked me and I liked working for her, she was a nice boss, and an even better friend.

"There's directions to the building on the second page, and the name of the man you're delivering them to is Nicholas Graham. I'll let him know you'll be there in the hour! Thanks so much Rose!" She replied, scurring off back to her desk to meet her impending deadlines.

I flicked through the pages in hand, turning on my heel and heading in the direction of the lift. I quickly put the address into google maps on my phone and pressed the button for the lift. Shutting my phone off and putting the papers into my bag, I waited patiently for the lift to arrive on my floor as I tapped my foot against the tiled floor. When it finally arrived I pressed the main floor button and reached for my phone again. I was dressed casually today, only because I was catching up with my friends at starbucks later on, and didn't want to go home.

I finally made it to the ground floor, waving goodbye to the guys at the front desk who I saw on a daily basis and following the directions my map was taking me in. From what I could tell we we're heading in the right direction, but I really didn't have a clue.

As I rounded the final corner I looked up at the huge building looming over me, it was at least 10 more levels than our building, and was a lot more terrifying. I clicked my phone off, reached for the papers in my bag and entered the building.

The lobby was rather nice, grey-ish white walls enclosed the room and a perfectly shined floor made the whole place look very elegant. My small heels clicked against the floor as I made my way to the directory hanging on the wall at the back of the room. I scanned the name looking for a Nicholas Graham.

Room 2608 - Fraser, Catherine

Room 2609 - Fullem, Wayne Dr.

Room 2610 - Gillingham, Jason

Room 2611 - Graham, Nicholas

My finger landed on the very name I needed. He was located in room 2611, now what floor would that be? My eyes scanned around the room looking for someone to help me figure out the puzzle but when no one was found I figured I'd just have to find it on my own. My feet sped over to the lift door that was now closing after waiting for awhile for a participant to arrive only to be called up to a different floor. My hand jammed in the lift, making the doors fly back open. As I scanned the floor numbers I figured floor 2 was my best bet, so I jabbed my finger onto that button and stood back.

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