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~Outfit: ~

~ The same day ~

 Pushing the door open with my shoulder I slid the heels off of my feet and made my way over to the couch. It was a long family dinner to say the least. With my mother running around like a chicken whose head had been chopped off and my sisters snides remarks towards me it had been, to say the least, a crappy dinner. I didn't hate my family, not in anyway, but I avoided seeing them at all costs. It wasn't that I couldn't handle a bit of fun banter but my sister would always take it too far, and when I tried to give her a taste of her own medicine I was told to stop being rude. I was the least favourite of my sisters and they didn't do much to hide that fact. 

As I laid down on the couch I, naturally, grabbed my phone; checking every single social media site I could, trying to get lost in the world of hashtags and witty comments. It wasn't cutting it tonight and I felt even more sad then I had before. As I laid my phone next to me and went to grab the tv remote to find some celebrity gossip show I could watch my mind floated back to my date with Dan I'd had this morning. I replayed the events over and over, as if I was watching my favourite movie on replay. I wanted nothing more than for him to talk to me and take my mind off of the excrutiating dinner I'd had this very evening. 

I was pulled away from my thoughts as my phone buzzed next to me, where I'd set it down a moment ago.

How was dinner? :) 

The message read, obviously from Dan. My heart was already fluttering as I decided to call him, as I'd promised I would earlier this afternoon.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. "Hello!" He chirped into the phone making me jump slightly, the sudden proximity in his voice. 

"Hi" I said, less enthusiastically than I had expected.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing the deadness of my voice. My heart slightly warmed at the thought that he noticed something was wrong. We'd talked briefly this morning about our families. I knew he had a brother - older or younger, I couldn't remember - and that him and his parents were pretty close, but I didn't go into depths about my family. He knew I was the youngest and that I had two older sisters and that I wasn't that close to them, but he didn't know about the seperation in my family.

He didn't know that my parents were not as invested in me and my life as they were in my sisters. He didn't know how they made me feel and how much pain they had caused throughout my teenage years. 

"Just had a crap time at dinner is all." I tried to reply as nonchalantly as I could, but the hurt in my voice still broke through.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm all ears." Little did I know, those were the words I needed to hear. Before I could stop myself, my body was wracked with sobs.

As I poured my heart out to him about my dysfunctional family and about the painful youth I had with them I felt a release within me. Nobody knew about my past with my family, not even my best friend. I refused to tell anyone because I knew what they would say. 'At least they don't hit you.' 'Other people have it worse.' Maybe they would've been right, maybe they didn't hit me, maybe others do have it worse, but emotional pain is just as heart-wrenching as physical pain. Scars can heal, but the damage caused to a heart can never be mended, not when it's caused by the people who are meant to be there to protect, the ones that are supposed to be on your side when the world is against you. When they deny that from you, and make it so obvious that you are not who they are going to invest their time in, you have to do it on your own, and that can break you. God know's it broke me. 

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