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~ Outfit: ~

~ Two Days Later ~

I stood outside the coffee shop, Dan and I had agreed on meeting at the previous day, and waited for that flop of brown hair to turn the corner. I fiddled with my bracelet and looked both ways down the street. I wasn't really sure where he lived so I didn't know which direction he'd come from, today was going to be full of surprises. 

My beige oxfords tapped against the concrete pavement as I continued looking down the road. It was a Saturday morning so the boutiques and cafes that graced the edges of this block where quite full. It wasn't the nicest of days, but for October I couldn't complain. It was warm enough to not have to break out my winter coat, but not cool enought to go out in just the floral t-shirt that was lying on my chest. 

I looked down the street one last time before reckonizing that brown hair and the black earrings that adorned his ears everyday I'd seen him. He waved down at me as I turned my body to face him. My, previously, fiddling fingers were flopped back down to my sides as I awaited his arrival. 

"Hi!" I smiled brightly, completely over enthusiastic about this date. 

"Hi! You're short again." He commented with a fake frown as he stared down at my petite figure. I playfully whacked his arm and laughed when he pretended to be hurt over it. 

"It's too early for heels!" I stated, even though this wasn't particularly true considering it was 11:15 in the morning and I wore heels to work most days, but he laughed nonetheless.

"Coffee?" He asked, motioning towards the little cafe we had been standing outside of. 

"Sounds delightful." I said, nearly skipping towards the door I was so elated to be on another date with him. 

He held open the door for me, much the same as he had on our first date and I couldn't help thinking about how perfect this guy really was. Maybe he wasn't the best looking, maybe he didn't have the best abs ~ not that I knew yet ~ but he was nice, and a gentleman. He was the kind of man you'd love to take home and meet your parents, because you know they'd love him just as much as you did. He was the kind of man you could see yourself marrying in a few years. Was I getting ahead of myself?

We walked through the little cafe and up to the counter, where we proceeded to order our drinks. As I recited my order I couldn't help but eye up the muffins that littered the cabinet at the front, suddenly my stomach lurched and I realized just how hungry I actually was. Since Dan was paying I decided to just get over it and have something when I got home, I could afford skipping one meal. 

"I'll go grab us a table," I said, sauntering off to the back of the cafe after recieving his approval of the idea in the form of a nod and a smile. I settled on the back corner of the cafe and sat back in my chair. I let out a content sigh as I saw Dan approaching the table with our drinks and a small brown bag.

"I figured you might be hungry, so I bought you a muffin." My eyes lit up at the fact that he payed close enough attention to me, to see me eying up the display of muffins. "I went with chocolate chip, I thought 'you can't go wrong with chocolate chip.' But if you don't like it, I can get you something else." He said, a hint of embarrassment on his face, for god knows what reason. 

"No, no, chocolate chip is perfect!" I beamed, more than eager to get the muffin into my mouth. He smiled down at me as I started to maul at the muffin with my fingertips, eager to get right in the middle, where it would be the most moist. 

"So Rose, you liking the muffin?" He laughed as I looked at him with chocolate sticking to the corners of my mouth. 

"Not really, no." I answered, giggling myself. Grabbing a nearby napkin to wipe away the mess I had created, I realized how quickly I had demolished that muffin and suddenly felt very embarrased. I could feel my cheeks burning as I took longer than necessary to rid my face of the sticky leftovers. My smile dropping slightly as I realized how uncivilized I was truly being. I squashed the napkin in my hand and placed it on top of the brown bag, that had been left on the corner of the table.

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