letter from the parents

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Chapter 4

   After yesturdays insadent with Roxy,I wasnt looking forward to breakfast. I didnt want judging eyes starring at me in a discusted way. I knew everyone would think I was a nasty person, I thought they would talk to me, not that I wasn't used to that.
     I walked to the hall with Harry. He didnt feel aquad being around me. We walked through the doors and with-in ten seconds everyone went quiet and starred at me, I knew It wascoming so I carried on walking to my seet. A sudden burst of cheers and applaus broke the silence. I just stood there with a blank expresion on my face untill Harry nudged me to assure me that the cheers were for me. I pulled a cheeky smile to say thanks but I didnt make a big deal out of it. The noise quietend down so we could hear our sleves think. Everyone was eating and had full plates, as for me, I just looked at the food. I wasnt hungry and I didn't feel like eating. Ron starred at me with a mouth full of bacon in it.
   " Don't just look at your plate. Eat something." he begged me. I really didnt feel like listening to him, could only just understand what he was saying. I rolled my eyes and just put a bit of bacon on my plate and nibbled on it slowly. I tryed not to look over at Slythryn house table but it was so tempting.My thoughts were interupted by proffesor Magonagul standing behind neville. " Carol
may I talk to you outside please" her voice sounded broke and hisative. As I stood up, I saw the chance to have a quick peek of Slythren only to find Draco smiling at me. But he wasnt the only
looking at me, the whole house was starring at me, I heard proffeser shout over to them to go back to eating there breakfast but I had locked eyes with Draco once again. I looked away sheeply
and headed out the hall doors.
    I stood the opposite side of the doors so no one could here us. "Erm. Carol. I'm sorry for how I must have sounded yesturday. I made you look bad when it wasn't even you who started. I just want you to know I am greatfully sorry and I hope you accept my appolidgy." Her voice was very appolidgetic and she looked at me in the eye."It's fine proffesor. The past is the past", I said smugly looking down at my nuckle. "Are you okay, I heard you broke two nuckles punching Roxy".
 " There fine, the Madam Homphre fixed them in no time. Just got to have support on it" I ensured her. We spent a few seconds thinking of what to say next. " I didn't notice you at dinner or tea yesturday. Don't think you have to punish yourself by not eating." I didnt want to answer her so I didnt reply. " I see you  don't want to talk about it so I will let you go back to the hall, make sure you get something to eat, I'll be making sure you do". I walked away with my head down and returned back in the hall. I did eat something but it wasnt a lot.
     The owls flew in with the post. I watched as Ron and Hermione got there letters and listened to them read it out. Then I saw my owl swarm in holding a thick emvolope. It was from mom and dad, they always sent purple envolopes with my letters in. I wasnt looking forward to this letter.
inside it read:
 ' dear Carol,
   Me and your mother recieved a very important letter from hogwarts this morning and once I red it I was disapointed. I am very dissapointed in you Carol, violance is something I do not aprove of and you of all people should know this. For your punishment I am taking your phone off youfor a month. However.. I am proad to say well done for sticking up for yourself, it takes courage to stand up for yourself and epciacally to a bully. I know you will get detension but as long as the
rest of the year you are good, then we might still take you on holiday when you return.
hugs and kisses.
mum and dad xxx '
      I didn't really wont to read it out load so I told them just that he wants me to be good for the rest of the year. I quickly placed it in my pocket and smiled at everyone.It felt good to hear from my parents, I did miss them from time to time.
       It was late at night when I walked down to hagrids with profesor Philtch.He was always a creepy teacher. Hagrid was waiting outside his hut when philtch left me with him. We went into the forbiden forest. If I was honest I didnt find the forest that bad, I knew what creatures were there.I had studdied them long before I came to Hogwarts. I understand them and they inderstand me too.The night went quick and all me and hagrid did was look for a nice patch of grass to grow some vegetables in.
       Hagrid walked me back to the castle gates, I then carried on my way to the commenroom by myself. I walked past Ravenclaw commenroom and then past Huffelpuff. I wasn't walking fast so anyone could of scared me from behind. I walked past slythren commen-room when" BOO!" some one shook me from behind. "Malfoy you scared the daylights out of me!" I screamed. He twirled me around so he could see me. His silver eyes glistening into mine. Once again he won me over with his smile and strong arms embrassed my body. He held me tight and the love sensation took over. We were kissing within seconds, his body moved closer to mine and befor I knew it, his hands were moving further down my body.
      " What are you two doing out at this time of the night? Don't you know its dangerouse. Go to your commen rooms" , a prefect called out at us from aound the coner. He still held me tight, he looked up to see who it was, I don't think he cared who it was but he let go of me and turned to the prefect.
He  was quite tall, probly John, he was the prefect for Hufflepuff. " We were just heading there, if you dont mind I was in the middle of something" he looked back at me "Nosey parkers, but we best be off, night beautiful." He winked at me and pulled the cutiest smile he could," night night" I wispered back whilst I carried on walking to my dorm.
     When I returned to my room, I took out my quill and writing paper and sat down at my desk. Dipped my quill into the ink and started writing a reply letter. I wrote how sorry I was for using violance, I also explained how I had broken my nuckles. I sent all my love and hoped they enjoyed
their holiday. I licked the envolope shut and put everything back in my draw.
I put a p.s in my letter.
 ' P.S I have found a boy who loves
me and I love them back.'

 I wasn't sure what their reply would be but I had to wait and see.

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