"Stop smoking all the fucking weed man" Doowop snatched it from me
"Shut yo ass up nigga" I sucked my teeth
"He depressed cause his baby mama gave him a black eye" Mally laughed
"Ain't nobody depressed with yo stupid ass, dumb ass don't even know how to spell depressed"
"So nigga, I don't care" He shrugged
"You should, dumb ass" Bibby said as he scrolled on his phone
"Stop playing with me Screech"
"Boy yo dirty ass not trying to go in on me" Bibby sat up "You talking about everybody else washing, but yo ass ain't pick up nothing to wash yo own dirty ass"
"No Mally" I shook my head
"Bitch yo light skin ass got dirt smudges on yo body, yo no neck ass. Dirty ass looking like the boy from Charlie brown" Mally stood up from the couch
"Sit yo midget ass down somewhere before I hurt you" Bibby sat his phone down
"Take my picture ku" I handed him my phone
"Take my picture, take my picture ol' bitch face ass" Mally grabbed my phone "Yo phone cracked the fuck up"
"I dropped it obviously dickhead" I mugged him
"Fuck you, box head motherfucker" He backed up so he could take it
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Nolimitherbo: @nolimit60shotdoowop MAD AS HELL IM SMOKING ALL THE WEED ON NIGGAZZZZ 😭😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😤😤😡
I exited out of Instagram seeing Ayanna bad ass texted me.
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: Bro, wyo ?
Mally house, why ?
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: I'm hungry, bring me a jerk salad nigga 😩😪
I'm broke 😭
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: BITCH YOU GOT A MOOD PIC 😭😭
That's old tho 😂😂
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: You a lie, bye mf 😂😒
Ask Kyro to buy it dummy
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: He sleep 😩😏
Telling Gina fine ass you being nasty
Lil Savage 😈💪😭: Finna tell Zai that's yo baby Meeka carrying