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Ayanna Johnson | Yanna

Mally ass went to jail and now I'm real live bored. Kyro in jail, Mally in jail, everybody just going to damn jail leaving me all lonely and bored.

"Ayanna !"

"Huh ?"

She always doing that shit. I'm finna sit my black ass right on this bed until she say come here or something, I hate when she do that shit.

"Ayanna !"

"Huh ?!"

Silence again. Okay, Gina think I'm playing. I scrolled down my Twitter timeline just looking at mfs expose each other.

"So you ain't heard me calling you ?"

I looked up and saw Og leaning against my doorframe with her hands behind her back. I scrunched up my face wondering what the fuck was behind her back.

"I asked you huh and you ain't say nothing" I shrugged

"When I call your name, you come to me. If I call you, that mean get your black ass up and come to me"

"Why you going so hard on me though ?"

"Because ya dumbass don't listen, now go to the store and get me some chips and a drink"

"I was thinking about some Harolds—"

"I didn't ask you what you were thinking about"

"And I don't have to go to the store for you old lady— OW !"

I rubbed my neck and mugged the shit out of her. Fuck she always throwing shoes for ?

"Now get your ass up and walk to the damn store, it's a ten on this dresser"

"Ain't Herb and Zai here, tell one of them go"

"Zai and London sleep, and Herbert about to leave"

"That's not my name"

"Then what the fuck is your name lil nigga ?"

"My name G Herbo"

"Shut up dumbass, yo name Lil Herb" I side eyed him

"Who the fuck is Lil Herb though ?"

"Og chop him, he just cursed in front you" I slid my feet into my all black shell toe Adidas

"And you did too"

"That was an accident though" I grabbed the money and walked out my room "Come walk with me to the store big brother"

"I'm not yo brother ku"

"Oh alright, okay" I walked past him and out the house "With yo broke ass !"

"Young man please be quiet" He said from behind me "No need to yell"

"Stop playing with me lil boy" I went to hit him but he moved

"You a pyscho young man"

"Stop calling me that bitch"

"Must be talking bout yo lil boyfriend"

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