Tribal Council

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The remaining five survivors came in tribal council putting their torches down ready for a very different tribal council.

"We will now bring in the members of the jury." Jeff said as they looked to the side as the jurors came in one at a time, "Sierra, Samantha, Mariana, Jazmin, Cameron, Ayanna, and Justin voted out last tribal." Jeff said as Justin sat down looking at his sister smiling.

"Five people left, 2 more tribals until the end, Emily seeing you are safe what's going to your mind." Jeff asked.

"Jeff, I feel great that I'm safe, but I feel nervous for this tribal due to the fact that I'm in the middle of the vote." Emily said.

"So Austin basically Emily is either voting with the girls or voting with the guys." Jeff said.

"Yes that's correct and I don't know what the girls could be telling her, but I know something is going down tonight." Austin said.

"Eliana do you think this could be a potential blindside?" Jeff asked.

"Well see." Eliana said.

"Well it is time to vote." Jeff said.


"If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and will like to use it this is the final time you could use it." Jeff said as everyone remained quite.

"Okay, once the votes are read decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave tribal immediately."

"First vote Moriah."

"Second vote Austin."

"Third vote Moriah."

"Fourth vote Austin."

"That's two votes Moriah, two votes Austin one vote left." Jeff said as the jury looked as Jeff opened the last vote.

"14th person voted out Survivor Galapagos and the eight member of the jury."

"Austin." Jeff said as Moriah fell back as the jury was suprised as well as Kyle and Austin. Austin got up as Emily hugged him. "Sorry." She said as he smiled walking over to Jeff holding his torch.

"Austin the tribe has spoken." Jeff said as he burned out Austin's fire. "Rooting for you Emily and Kyle." Austin said walking out.

"Well congratulations you have made it to the final four and will be competing in your final immunity challenge tomorrow, see you tomorrow good night." Jeff said as they got up nodding as they walked out.

Votes -

Austin - Moriah

Moriah - Austin

Kyle - Moriah

Eliana - Austin

Emily - Austin

Austin's exit message -

Once again I'm gone from the game as the second to last boy. Honestly I think my game the second time around was pure smart and I see why I was eliminated, I could have easily won, this was great and I loved the second chance I got.

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