Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

I feel his lips against mine, both sets pushing into each other, moving when necessary. I feel my body lean forward, my hands finding themselves around his neck, just letting instinct take over. I hear a sigh come from Mark's lips as he leans forward, his hand moving down to the bottom of my back from where it had rested on my chin, the other one joining there as well.

The kiss seems to be endless, but too quickly do we both pull away, panting from breath loss. For a few heartbeats I don't look at him, and instead look down at the space in between us. I feel his hand return to my chin as he lifts it up, forcing me to look at him.

His face is flushed, and is breathing is still fast. "(Y/N), is everything okay? I'm sorry about-"

I shake my head, stopping Mark's words. "Yes, everything is alright, don't apologize. Do you realize how long I've been waiting for that to happen?" I let out a small laugh, earning a smile from him.

"I'm assuming 8 years?" That playful tone of his is back again, laced in his deep voice. His left eye bows into a wink, a seemingly more impressive one than the one from before.

"Oh screw off." I feel my eyes roll, shaking my head, though my lips can't help but curl into a smile, especially with the pink haired doof beside me. Though the heat of the previous moments linger between us, a sultry wisp of a promise.

"Do you...want to come inside for a bit? I know you're right next door but I figured we could talk or something..." My mouth opens, babbling spilling out, my nerves electrifying my cheeks, heating them up.

The chemical body reaction causes Mark to laugh, his alto voice booming in the small car, that laugh of his just so...attractive. Not exactly giving him time to respond, my sweaty fingers palm the door, sliding the lock and clicking the door, the metal sighing as it gave way to fresh air.

The air nipped at my skin, the coolness such a refresher from the steamy air that got sucked out of the enclosed vehicle. Beside me I hear another door open, the same sigh heaving way. Without so much as a glance behind me. I make way towards the locked door at the end of the driveway, assuming Mark is following.

It's only when I get to the crimson wood that I turn, my e/c hair swiveling with my movement. A ripple slides its way up my spine, directly shocking my heart, the husky scent of cologne masking my entire sense of smell, the man standing barely a foot behind me.

My widened eyes amuse Mark, for his lips easily curl into a smirk, his eyes slightly darkening. Blinking a few times, I try to convince my brain its from the shadows from the overhanging roof, the dropping metal that protects us from the snow and rain so we can leave the house and not be recluses, but the more I fumble with my keys, my small fingers jangling the metal key chains and adornments of my lanyard, the more my brain entertains the idea of it being a different side to him, one I don't think many people have seen.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I manage to slide the key into the lock, twisting until the old wood gave way, creaking open to reveal the dark staircase, straight to my room. Entering the kitchen, I toss my keys on the metal table in the corner, fingers habitually flipping on the switch.

Turning, I practically run into Mark. He must've closed the door and followed in behind me, though the lack of my brain registering the noise concerned me. Sighing, I docked it as nerves and anticipation almost of the early evening.

"Oh! Sorry didn't see you there." Heat flames my cheeks, flourishing my body heat upwards by a few degrees. I look around, my eyes darting at everything that isn't the man in front of me.

Keeping this up, the silence between us deafening. I open my lips to say something, ask a question, apologize for everything, when I feel a hand grip my chin, forcing it upwards, connecting bronze shield eyes to my e/c orbs.

The words that my vocal cords prepared to vibrate out died in my throat, choking out as a sigh, the look on Mark's face making my knees weak.

I could've sworn his eyes darkened further, his face practically losing color, turning an almost ashen gray..but, that wasn't possible.


I felt cemented into place as I felt his lips connect with mine once more without warning, the taste of him feeling slightly different, My body tried to focus on it, but Mark made it hard to focus on anything but him, channeling out my fear and anxiety and just melting it into pure bliss.

His arms snaked around my body, my fingers instinctively wrapping around his neck, a sigh developing between us as we parted for the moment of movement, but was quickly dispersed as the kiss continued, the air escaping as our bodies inched closer together, needing to be as close as possible.

Time passed unnoticeable, the feeling of being with Mark like this consuming me, my entire being, e v e r y t h i n g. I felt tied, trapped in his embrace, as if a demon's shadowy tendrils were locking me down, the kiss sealing something my mind's eye couldn't focus on.

I felt my back hit the counter, the sharp pain momentarily pulling me from my haze, though those comforting lips were quickly back, drowning out the throbbing pain stabbing my lower back.

Closing my eyes once more, giving into the feeling coursing through my body like poison, my brain shut down, letting the demon inside.

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